Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) Package 2024

Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) Package 2024

Our Very Popular Package Is Continued Into 2024!!! Here’s To Wellness!!!!

** Three (3) $95 AOHMassage Signature Sessions Plus 15-Minute Add-On ($25 Value) Plus Acupressure Self-Care Class ($10 Value)  $285

AOHMassage Package includes a 15-Minute Add-On ($25 Value) (75 Min Session) and Free One-Hour Zoom Invite to Good Points Self-Care Acupressure Class ($10 Value) Each Month (A Different Self-Care Acupressure Protocol Each Month)

** 75 Minute Signature Session @$95 includes:

Individually Designed Holistic Massage, Warm Himalayan Salt Stones, Relevant Gentle Acupressure, Reflexology, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Reiki, Zero Balancing, Somatic Movement, Stretching, AOHMassage Signature Organic Massage Oil

Add-Ons 2024 Package 15-Minute ($25 Value – 75 Minute Session)

Choose One (each time) With Purchase of 3 Sessions @ $285 (90 Day Expiration)

Seasonal Acupressure Tune-Up — Winter/Water Balancing — January -March
Stimulate Deep Functional Wellness, Peace, Stillness/ Kidney -Bladder

Spring/Wood Balancing — April – June — Athletic Release, Arthritis Release/ Liver – GallBladder

Summer/Fire Balancing — July – September — Heart Release

Late Summer/ Earth Balancing — October – December — Abdominal ReleaseSpleen/Stomach

Facial or Back Scrub — Gentle Scrub & Warm Towels

Foot Bath & Tea — Salt Bath & Choice Tea

Head Massage — Scalp Massage & Acupoints

Purchase Package 🙂

Second Quarter (April-June) 15-Minute Add-Ons
Seasonal Tune-Up Spring/Wood Balancing — Waking Up,Movement,Plan

Third Quarter (July-September) 15-Minute Add-Ons
Seasonal Tune-Up Summer/Fire — Find Calm in the Active

Fourth Quarter (October-December) 15-Minute Add-Ons
Seasonal Tune-Up Autumn/Earth/Metal — Nourish, Let Go

Insomnia & Jet Lag Self-Care Acupressure

Insomnia & Jet Lag Self-Care Acupressure

Sleep is important. Our bodies are equipped with mechanisms that help us to find the balance between rest and activity. Here in a lecture, meditation video and supporting materials, Alvina Quatrano brings to life the energetic components that are useful to find that balance. Using gentle finger pressure acupressure will help you to balance your body clock to easily find the necessary sleep that may evade you. Relax. Enjoy!

This class is also available for CE’s from CE Broker in Florida.

Jet Lag and Insomnia Acupressure  1 CE  #20-911754

The Following Links will open your materials:

1 Awareness Journal To use with meditations and acupressure self-sessions (Print Out)

2 Insomnia & Jet Lag Manual To Print

3 Insomnia Lecture Video  37-minutes Password 4U

  • 12-Minute Pyramid Meditation and Awareness Journal
  • Meridian and Acupoint Information
  • Touch Style used to access acupoints
  • Helpful Suggestions to relieve Insomnia
  • Ways to use the process for Jet Lag.
  • Support Materials

4 Insomnia Meditation Video  14-minutes Password 4U

  • Crystal bowl
  • Acupoint Location and Affirmations

PS: Soul Lightening Bookstore referred to is no longer open. Everything you need is in the Manual. Look for some new resources with Insight Acupressure 2024 website.

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Alvina 732-266-5276

Alvina Quatrano, L.M.T. has been teaching with Insight Acupressure since 2002. Her current available classes are listed & linked.

Insomnia & Jet Lag Self-Care Acupressure

Insomnia & Jet Lag Acupressure Self-Care Introduction

Sleep is important. Our bodies are equipped with mechanisms that help us to find the balance between rest and activity. Here in a lecture, meditation video and supporting materials, Alvina Quatrano brings to life the energetic components that are useful to find that balance. Using gentle finger acupressure will help you to balance your body clock to easily find the necessary sleep that may evade you. Relax. Enjoy!!

This class is also available for CE’s from CE Broker in Florida.

Jet Lag and Insomnia Acupressure  1 CE  #20-911754

Insomnia Package includes:

Insomnia Jet Lag Manual

Awareness Journal

Insomnia Lecture Video 37-minutes

  • 12-Minute Pyramid Meditation and Awareness Journal
  • Meridian and Acupoint Information
  • Touch Style used to access acupoints
  • Helpful Suggestions to relieve Insomnia
  • Ways to use the process for Jet Lag.
  • Support Materials

Insomnia Meditation Video 14-minutes

  • Crystal bowl
  • Acupoint Location and Affirmations

Purchase Package $15

PS: Soul Lightening Bookstore referred to is no longer open. All the materials you need are included in the manual

SEVA Stress Release Self-Care Gift

SEVA Stress Release Self-Care Gift

Self-Care Acupressure Gift To The World

SEVA Stress Release Acupressure is a Self-Care Gift to the world from Insight Acupressure formerly known as Soul Lightening International, Dr. Aminah Raheem and faculty. Anyone can do it to relieve trauma, anxiety, pain, and for almost immediate deep relaxation.

Compassionate Service

SEVA means “compassionate service” in Sanscrit. It is part of Dr. Raheem’s mission to serve using the gift for wellness that she brought to the world.

Founders Day

I’m sharing SEVA in honor of Soul Lightening’s Founders Day December 5 which is Dr. Aminah Raheem’s birthday!

Good Points Program

Good Points For Self-Care

The Insight Acupressure Team has been busy developing the Good Points Program (only til June 30 2024) (check this link to find a special FREE Intro Video and Bonus Immune System Boost Acupressure Video too) to share acupressure self-care. The SEVA Stress Release started it all. It was created after 9/11 to reduce shock & stress in the world. It came from the hearts of the teachers and utilizes the Heart Meridian and Chakra of the body to establish calm and tranquility.

Teachable Platform

The Good Points Program now offers 25 other protocols for Self-Care. They are being offered once-a-month on the Insight Acupressure Teachable Platform until mid-2024 when the material will be moved to a new Insight Acupressure Website. Check it out!

Good Points Program

The Good Points Program includes:

An Intro Video

A Handout of the Acupressure Protocol

A Pyramid Meditation for centering and grounding.

An Acupoint Location Video

A Practice Video

SEVA Stress Release Gift

Here are the elements of your SEVA Stress Release Good Points Program: Enjoy!!

Introduction VIDEO (29 min, includes Pyramid Meditation & Chakra Tai Chi) Password = 4U

Handout to Print

Acupoint Location Video (11 Min) Password = 4U

SEVA Stress Release Acupressure for Self-Care Practice Video (11 min) Password= 4U

Acupressure Certification Programs

From Insight Acupressure will be delineated in the upcoming website. Likely it will closely follow the prior Soul Lightening Path.

You may also find Insight Acupressure Certificate classes (Clinical Acupressure 1 and Process Acupressure 1A) on the course calendar. Offered are 3 certification tracks for Clinical Acupressure, Process Acupressure and Advanced Insight Acupressure.

Insight Acupressure Course Curriculum

Thanks For Participating

I hope that you have enjoyed this gifting!

Please let me know at

I teach many different classes from 1 hour to 30 hours, in-person and webinar.

The most recent is the newly updated Introduction to Insight Acupressure which includes Part 1 Self-Care and Part 2 For Others. It is a 2-Day class, preferably in person to experience the special “Interface” Touch of SLIA. 12 Continuing Education Hours for Massage Therapists.

Check out my website for MORE! from AOHMassage

Alison Babil    True North Healing

Alison Babil True North Healing

Alison Babil, founder of True North Healing, helps people access the healing wisdom of their body.

She is a:

Guild Certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner,

Certified Sounder Sleep System® Instructor,

Certified Soul Lightening Acupressure Practitioner,

Alchemical Alignment Practitioner (bodywork for trauma resolution and embodiment of spirit)

Licensed Massage Therapist and Reiki Master-Teacher since 2004.

Alison specializes in pain reduction, anxiety management, and insomnia improvement. Alison’s work focuses on movement education through the Feldenkrais Method® and gentle trauma resolution through Soul Lightening Acupressure and Alchemical Alignment. Alison works with clients in person and virtually.

Alison’s extensive teaching experience includes teaching at The National Institutes of Health, The United States Postal Service, Shady Grove Hospital’s Aquilino Cancer Center, and more. Her classes are warm, fun, and always applicable. She regularly offers online Sounder Sleep System and Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® courses.

Alison’s own journey of healing and discovery began with a Feldenkrais class in 1998 that changed her life. Feldenkrais resolved Alison’s long-standing back/neck issues and taught her to move with greater ease and grace, both internally and through life. Her work is also informed by her deep engagement with Non-Violent Communication (NVC) and her longtime meditation practice. Alison is passionate about supporting others to find the small, doable pieces in themselves that lead to great insight and transformation.
Guild Certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner
Sounder Sleep System® Instructor
Alchemical Alignment Practitioner