Sleep is important. Our bodies are equipped with mechanisms that help us to find the balance between rest and activity. Here in a lecture, meditation video and supporting materials, Alvina Quatrano brings to life the energetic components that are useful to find that balance. Using gentle finger pressure acupressure will help you to balance your body clock to easily find the necessary sleep that may evade you. Relax. Enjoy!
This class is also available for CE’s from CE Broker in Florida.
Jet Lag and Insomnia Acupressure 1 CE #20-911754
The Following Links will open your materials:
1 Awareness Journal To use with meditations and acupressure self-sessions (Print Out)
2 Insomnia & Jet Lag Manual To Print
3 Insomnia Lecture Video 37-minutes Password 4U
- 12-Minute Pyramid Meditation and Awareness Journal
- Meridian and Acupoint Information
- Touch Style used to access acupoints
- Helpful Suggestions to relieve Insomnia
- Ways to use the process for Jet Lag.
- Support Materials
4 Insomnia Meditation Video 14-minutes Password 4U
- Crystal bowl
- Acupoint Location and Affirmations
PS: Soul Lightening Bookstore referred to is no longer open. Everything you need is in the Manual. Look for some new resources with Insight Acupressure 2024 website.
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Alvina 732-266-5276 alvinaq@AOHMassage.com
Alvina Quatrano, L.M.T. has been teaching with Insight Acupressure since 2002. Her current available classes are listed & linked.