by Alvina Quatrano | Jan 1, 2025 | Services, Specials
Our Very Popular Package Is Continued Into 2025!!! Here’s To Wellness!!!!
** Three (3) $95 AOHMassage Signature Sessions Plus 15-Minute Add-On ($25 Value) Plus Acupressure Self-Care Class ($10-65 Value) $285
AOHMassage Package includes a 15-Minute Add-On ($25 Value) (75 Min Session) and Free One-Hour Zoom Invite to Good Points Self-Care Acupressure Class ($10 Value) Each Month (A Different Self-Care Acupressure Protocol Each Month)
** 75 Minute Signature Session @$95 includes:
NEW Amethyst BioMat enhancement, Individually Designed Holistic Massage, Warm Himalayan Salt Stones, Relevant Gentle Acupressure, Reflexology, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Reiki, Zero Balancing, Somatic Movement, Stretching, AOHMassage Signature Organic Massage Oil
Add-Ons 2025 Package 15-Minute ($25 Value – 75 Minute Session)
Choose One (each time) With Purchase of 3 Sessions @ $285 (90 Day Expiration)
Seasonal Acupressure Tune-Up — Winter/Water Balancing — January -March
Stimulate Deep Functional Wellness, Peace, Stillness/ Kidney -Bladder
Spring/Wood Balancing — April – June — Athletic Release, Arthritis Release/ Liver – GallBladder
Summer/Fire Balancing — July – September — Heart Release
Late Summer/ Earth Balancing — October – December — Abdominal Release – Spleen/Stomach
Facial or Back Scrub — Gentle Scrub & Warm Towels
Foot Bath & Tea — Salt Bath & Choice Tea
Head Massage — Scalp Massage & Acupoints
Amethyst BioMat — Far-Infrared
Purchase Package 🙂
Second Quarter (April-June) 15-Minute Add-Ons
Seasonal Tune-Up Spring/Wood Balancing — Waking Up,Movement,Plan
Third Quarter (July-September) 15-Minute Add-Ons
Seasonal Tune-Up Summer/Fire — Find Calm in the Active
Fourth Quarter (October-December) 15-Minute Add-Ons
Seasonal Tune-Up Autumn/Earth/Metal — Nourish, Let Go
by Alvina Quatrano | Apr 18, 2024 | Newsletter
There are several versions of The Women’s Health Protocol Story depending on where you were at the time of its development. There are many perspectives…
How It Started…
A Request in Class
Missy Grace Oleaga and I co-taught a Clinical Acupressure 2: Meridians Class with Susan Grant in Wilmington, North Carolina, in a hospital, which sponsored the program for its nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists and massage therapists. A student came to Missy Grace asking for acupoints applicable for women’s breast health as she was teaching a segment on breast health the next evening at a hospital. The student showed up for her class on women’s breast health and discovered that it was really on Women’s Health. Missy Grace got an intuitive hit that we needed to pursue this request and need.
We all started to make suggestions, “the Spleen acupoints for blood”…and such. I opened the question to the Insight Acupressure Community for input. I wrote to Dr. Aminah Raheem (the originator of Insight Acupressure) , Leah Matalon, Angelique Priscilla and Betsey Baker, senior teachers, and others who gave their ideas of which acupoints would be beneficial to woman’s health.
So, we started with a question. Gathered some data. Arrived with books. A lot of books!!! Yet we didn’t need a one. Not a one. As you will hear.
Travel Ensued
Several months later, Alvina Quatrano, Missy Grace Oleaga and Cathy Miller met one weekend at St. Micheals, MD, a sleepy fishing village on the Chesapeake Bay, Eastern Shore of Maryland near to where Cathy Miller (former President of Insight Acupressure lived. We arrived to a quiet motel situated by the Bay at the turn of spring. The back of the car was piled with texts. Each woman carried her sworn texts on the subject — there were piles of books — no two alike. We thought we’d be hunkered down all weekend delving through those books, pouring through, discovering secrets of the ultimate healing potion for women’s health.
That’s not what happened.
Alvina left her Ocean Grove, N.J. home to pick up Grace in PA on the way to meet Cathy in St Michaels, MD. Grace and Alvina met Cathy and they all trundled their books into the motel room. After the long trip in the car Alvina used the bathroom (“the loo” British friends say, “the head” the sailors say) and when she came out of the bathroom Cathy was on the massage table set up between the beds, surrounded by piles of books and Missy Grace moved around her. “Are you guys???”… and they never stopped.
I (Alvina) grabbed a pad and pen and started writing but Missy Grace said, “We remember it.” They moved easily from one set of points to another as though spiritually guided. They were spiritually guided. We all tapped into the spiritual guidance, checking in to our experience of how the points felt and adding suggestions along the way. And, before we knew it it was done. The Women’s Health Acupressure Protocol.
Forty minutes after arriving to St. Michaels, MD for a studious weekend we finished the protocol. We were annoyed, elated, shocked, a little confused, grateful and happy. Now, we had vacation time in this beautiful location, not indoor study time as we had anticipated.
We practiced the protocol to be sure and we were sure.
And Then…
After the weekend, we brought the protocol to our teachers Dr. Aminah Raheem and Susan Grant, the developer of the Clinical Acupressure Program. They tested The Women’s Health Protocol and made decisions about what we gave them.
It was/is a very powerful protocol. Aminah wasn’t ready to let us teach it yet, for a long time. She wasn’t ready to grant the whole community to teach it but we developers could teach it if we wanted. And so we taught The Women’s Health Protocol for many years on our own as a one-day class (8 hours).
Finally, 20 years later Cathy Miller who was by now the President of Insight Acupressure and also the Graphics Designer, was redesigning the Clinical Acupressure Manual, which has 75 protocols in it, asked Dr. Raheem if she could add the Women’s Health Protocol to it. And she said yes!
Since that original time, Cathy Miller has developed Clinical Acupressure 3: Extraordinary Vessels — Lineage Material and she implements the Master Points for the Chong Mai Meridian to support the original WHP, and so, that sequence is added as an option to the beginning of the protocol. Subsequently, the manual size and style changed, so, several versions of the Women’s Health Protocol exist as it has been explored over the years.
In-Person & Online Classes
Join us as we present the new 3-hour Self-Care Version of the Women’s Health Protocol , created to present on Zoom. We also teach a longer 6 hour version for Insight Acupressure Certified Practitioners to offer for giving to others. The class is also available in person.
Request For Classes Always Considered.
Request A Session
Of course you may request The Women’s Health Protocol from your Practitioner in your next Insight Acupressure Session. Looking forward to seeing you!!!
In Good Health!!
by Alvina Quatrano | Jul 23, 2023 | Newsletter
In 2001 The Insight Acupressure Faculty and Dr. Aminah Raheem, the founder (formerly Soul Lightening International), created a specific acupressure formula as a world gift to relieve shock and stress after the events of 9/11. Originally, the acupressure formula was called the Shock Stress Release and was taught virtually anywhere in the world. I learned it along with 10 other teachers on the floor of a yoga studio in Rhinebeck NY. I lived at the Jersey Shore at the time (1 hour from the World Trade Center) and my mentor was in Tivoli N.Y. so I drove the 2 hours to tap in to the acupressure formula that was created specifically to heal from this horrible time in our history and to share it with everyone who was also dealing with this emotional and disturbing time. The work has been shared in war zones, hurricane relief and earthquake zones in many areas of the world.
Name Change
Since 2001 the name of the formula has been changed to The SEVA Stress Release after the Sanskrit word for Service because the purpose of the work is to be of service to anyone anywhere in the world who suffers from stress or shock or simply wants to feel supported and deeply relaxed. Many other possible outcomes may occur by practicing the SEVA Stress Release, including resolution of symptoms or personal growth.
The acupressure formula was created from the hearts of the Soul Lightening faculty utilizing the Heart Chakra and Heart Meridians of the body. The Heart Chakra is all about love, compassion, and forgiveness. My experience is that focusing on this area helps to bring a person home to themselves which is crucial in times of shock and very high stress. The SEVA Stress Release utilizes the acupoints along the Heart Meridian which helps to create calm in the body. Creating a state of calm invites a person to settle in to themselves, find their breath and peace in their own body and space.
Training — Anyone Can Learn
This formula may be applied by a person to themself – Self-Care – or from another person – For Others. There is a training program that is 3-hours for the Self-Care portion and an additional 3-hours for the For Others portion. Anyone can do it. It is very easy to learn yet there is a specific touch style that is discovered to administer both the self-care and for others methods. Faculty are empowered to grant continuing education contact hours for massage therapists via NCBTMB (National Massage Therapy Board).
Used & Studied In Many Settings:
The SEVA Stress Release was used in the first face transplant at Walter Reed Hospital. The formula was taught to the recipient so that he could calm himself during the ordeal of healing from the operation and it was used by the nurses to help keep the patients stress level low and relaxed. (See additional related post below)
Care for the Caregiver Expo, Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, Gina Rosenthal, PT
Abilities Expo, Gina Rosenthal, PT
Nurses Week, Crossings Healingworks, Walter Reed Hospital, MD, Cathy Miller, Ac, MT,
Integrative Care Service, University of Maryland Medical Center, Dr John Reed, MD
Breast Cancer Support Group, Naples Community Hospital (NCH), Lisa Ann & Lira Bennet.
Golden Gate Senior Center (Spanish & English), Naples, FL
Cancer Treatment Center, West Virginia University School of Nursing, Kari Sand-Jecklin, RN
Neuropsychiatry & Acute Rehabilitation, University of California UCI Health, Susanlee Wisotzkey, Ph.D, RN
Thiotte Haiti Vulnerable Children Relief (THVCR), Theresa Haag, RN, BSN
Community Service, Emily Wright, Deanna Waggy, Sylvia Goodman, Sue Lovett, Diane Arney, Marilyn Zurwaski, Emily Tellez, Alison Babil, Claire Howell, Susan Popiel, Michele Wade, and all the SEVA Teachers world-wide.
Empowering Whole-Being Health Case Study Collection (A whole third of the book is devoted to SEVA), Cathy Miller & Deanna Waggy
There are over 60 SEVA Teachers in the world and many more people who have been trained to give SEVA Stress Release Acupressure. Contact Alvina Quatrano with any inquiries at 732-266-5276 or or find info at
Alvina will be teaching the SEVA Stress Release Class on Sunday September 10 from 9 AM – 4 PM at the World Tennis Club, Naples, FL. You can take only the 3-hr Self-Care portion from 9-12 (Lunch Included) or do both sections including an additional 3-hr Part 2: For Others 9-4 (including lunch). Register at or call Alvina.
Read More…
Below is an original article I published in 2009.
A Way To Relieve Suffering
A Gift From Soul Lightening Int’l
by Alvina Quatrano LMT
September 2001….The World Trade Center had been demolished and many people I knew were at the scene. Everyone in the world was shocked, numb, dumbfounded, grief-stricken. Triages were set up all over to relieve symptoms of shock and stress and grief. Many therapists of all kinds volunteered their time to help the wounded. My regular clients came to me like lost wounded souls and I felt like I needed more to offer. I asked my acupressure mentor to please come up with something. The acupressure teachers of Soul Lightening International led by Aminah Raheem, Ph.D. of Borrego Springs, California got together here on the east coast one day and created a new protocol to serve the world in relieving shock and stress. It is called SEVA. SEVA means service in Sanskrit and was created to relieve suffering and stress and to promote general relaxation. SEVA is a simple acupressure treatment created for anyone to give or receive.
A SEVA treatment can be administered in just a few minutes or can be extended
20-30 minutes, depending on the circumstances. It can be given in a therapists office but was truly designed to be given whenever and wherever it is needed. My friend Missy helped a runner who was down and in shock on the street on a very hot day to revitalize even while EMT’s were standing by. She reconnected his vital energies to come back to the here and now.
Receiving SEVA is a very calming and centering experience. It can relieve post traumatic stress
syndrome. It can provide a turning point for an individual to move toward true healing at the deepest levels.
Clinical Acupressure ( which is an ancient healing modality from China and Asia using finger pressure to acupoints on the body) enhances the free flow of the body’s vital energy, activates it’s own recuperative abilities and diminishes congestion. It can address a multitude of symptoms including back problems, headaches, respiratory, digestive and systemic problems as well as colds, flus, allergies and physical injuries. This treatment modality will facilitate but should not replace, delay or interfere with medical treatment. This work uses the knowledge of ancient traditions combined with contemporary understanding to promote health and self-responsibility for wellness.
I implemented SEVA right away and the results were immediate. I saw the difference in people who received treatment as opposed to those who hadn’t and my heart ached for those who hadn’t sought treatment of any kind. Many divorces happened after 9/11..moving and displacement…many health issues are still happening. After 9/11 most people I know who sought treatment used several modalities to balance themselves as they found necessary; chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, acupressure, yoga, psychotherapy, spiritual guidance, homeopathy, and nutritional counseling and more were sought out to alleviate a myriad of complaints including respiratory, fear, shock, confusion, digestive, muscular, etc. SEVA allowed the unraveling and peace to begin to find a way through from the other side of pandemonium.
I am a certified SEVA instructor and I and my colleagues are teaching SEVA in schools, hospitals, PTA’s, and communities so everyone can know the relief and health building that is possible through acupressure. It has been a terrific addition to the community if someone is so disposed to volunteer it to Women’s or Men’s Shelter’s, VA Departments, and Senior Centers for instance. The protocol is about 20 minutes long. A class runs 3-6 hours. If you would like to learn SEVA or to set up a group demo let me know and it will be arranged. I am available at Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) in Naples FL. 732-266-5276.
by Alvina Quatrano | Feb 20, 2023 | Newsletter
Sleep is important. Our bodies are equipped with mechanisms that help us to find the balance between rest and activity. Here in a lecture, meditation video and supporting materials, Alvina Quatrano brings to life the energetic components that are useful to find that balance. Using gentle finger acupressure will help you to balance your body clock to easily find the necessary sleep that may evade you. Relax. Enjoy!!
This class is also available for CE’s from CE Broker in Florida.
Jet Lag and Insomnia Acupressure 1 CE #20-911754
Insomnia Package includes:
Insomnia Jet Lag Manual
Awareness Journal
Insomnia Lecture Video 37-minutes
- 12-Minute Pyramid Meditation and Awareness Journal
- Meridian and Acupoint Information
- Touch Style used to access acupoints
- Helpful Suggestions to relieve Insomnia
- Ways to use the process for Jet Lag.
- Support Materials
Insomnia Meditation Video 14-minutes
- Crystal bowl
- Acupoint Location and Affirmations
Purchase Package $15
PS: Soul Lightening Bookstore referred to is no longer open. All the materials you need are included in the manual
by Alvina Quatrano | Feb 3, 2023 | Newsletter
with Beth Shekinah Terrence. MS
“In the space of CONNECTION
our inner peace, soul wisdom & true gifts emerge”.
~ Beth Shekinah Terrence
Beth Shekinah Terrence, MS, is a Shaman and Transformational Facilitator. At age 11, she found a book on “Foot Reflexology” by Mildred Carter in her grandmother’s bookcase. Wedged between “The Joy of Cooking” by Julia Child and a volume of “The Talmud”, a sacred Jewish text, this random choice awakened her awareness to the concept that we are energetic as well as physical beings. And she began to embrace the idea that as humans we have an innate healing capacity that we can tap into through natural and holistic practices. At age 14, she was introduced to yoga and meditation, and her journey of exploring spiritual traditions and healing modalities from around the globe has been continuing ever since.
Healing & Practices
Beth Shekinah’s personal experience of healing from addiction, trauma, and Fibromyalgia opened to her to embracing a holistic approach to life and well-being. This ultimately led her onto the path as a holistic and wellness practitioner over 26 years ago. At the heart of her work is Shamanism, an ancient spiritual practice that offers a powerful gateway to healing, transformation, and soul-centering. Along with Shamanic Healing, Beth Shekinah utilizes an integrative holistic approach that incorporates holistic, spiritual, and restorative modalities including:
- Shamanic Practices such as journeywork, ceremony & ritual, soul retrieval and energy extraction
- Bach Flower Remedies
- Feeding Your Demons® Process
- Meditation & Mindfulness Practices
- Energy & Body Therapies including Zero Balancing, Craniosacral Therapy, Reflexology, Reiki, and Bodybreath Healing™
- PEER™ Emotional Energy Recovery
- Holistic Self-Care and Lifestyle Restructuring
- Addiction & Mental Health Recovery Coaching and Support
Sessions and programs are offered locally in the Maryland/DC/VA area and virtually via Zoom. Beth Shekinah offers tools and practices to facilitate transformational and healing processes that help to cultivate a deep sense of connection to support restoring wholeness, resilience, and well-being.
Learn more about Beth Shekinah at
Be sure to check out her newest program, the 3-month Virtual Feeding Your Demons® Immersion Experience. And look for her annual love offering, May Is For Metta: 31 Days of Loving-Kindness Meditation, which happens virtually each May.
>>Take Alvina’s Values and The 5-Elements Personality Quiz Several Times a Year to see if it changes in season. Enjoy!!