Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) Week-Long Intensive Live/Webinar

Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) Week-Long Intensive Live/Webinar

Bodywork veteran Alvina Quatrano uses principles and select moves from Zero Balancing, Insight Acupressure, Swedish, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Reiki, and movement to create a dependably effective massage experience 

Includes signature Organic AOHMassage Oil

All on-site classes include organic gourmet Lunch & snacks

The entire AOHMassage program in one week Live in Naples FL or other location of choice.  Can be taken all together or separately.  See links below for descriptions of each class. Also available Webinar, and F1,F2,F3 on Anytime Online CE Broker.

Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage)  1: Foundation 1, 7 CE’s

Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage)  2: Touch, 7 CE’s

Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) 3: Reflexology, 6 CE’s

AOHMassage 1: Front of the Body Protocol, 7 Ce’s

AOHMassage 2: Back of the Body Protocol. 7 CE’s

34 CE’s $575   Special Price (Reg $700)

Guest Teachers possible for many aspects of class….body mechanics, self-care…etc….

Ethical Wisdom Class may be offered as an option one evening for 2 CE’s  $25. Also available anytime online.

Naples FL

Alvina Quatrano, LMT, Provider NCBTMB, CE Broker, FL

CE Broker Anytime Classes:

AOHMassage Foundation 1: Subtle Body 1 CE #20-909806
AOHMassage Foundation 2: Touch   2CE’s  #20-918703

AOHMassage Foundation 3: Reflexology 2 CE’s #20-848386 2 CE’s

Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) Week-Long Intensive Live/Webinar

AOHMassage Weekend

Learn and Practice the AOHMassage Hands-On Protocol — Exchange Practicum.

Hands-On Practice Giving and Receiving

AOHMassage 1:2: Front & Back of the Body.

Bodywork veteran Alvina Quatrano uses principles and select moves from Zero Balancing, Insight Acupressure, Swedish, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Reiki, and movement to create a dependably effective massage experience in a complete hands-on weekend.


  • Organic Wholesome Meals and Snacks
  • Signature Organic AOHMassage Oil
  • Self-Care Meditations, Chakra Tai Chi, Meridian Massage,more
  • Values & 5-Elements Quiz

This class will review (Overview) Foundation 1, F2 & F3 (available on CE Broker anytime see below) then concentrate on hands-on learning AOHMassage.

Prerequisites to this class is  AOHM Foundation 1-3.

A massage with Alvina or approved therapist sometime before class is recommended. 

AOHMassage Foundation 1: Subtle Body   1 CE  #20-909806

AOHMassage Foundation 2: Touch  2 CE’s  #20-918703

AOHMassage Foundation 3: Reflexology 2 CE’s #20-852387

Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) is ideal for the recent massage therapy graduate as it sets a foundation for a lifelong career and is a refreshing class to spice up your current practice using this Original Protocol.

{Also Available: on CE Broker Ethical Wisdom: Drawing from Masters of Human Interaction 2 CE’s #20-848200 or In-Person or Webinar and Values & 5-Elements Personality & Lifestyle Quiz 1 CE Ethics #20-883522}

The Class includes Review of the AOHMassage concepts:

  • ”Interface Touch” of Zero Balancing, developed by Dr Fritz Smith (an Osteopath, Acupuncturist & Rolfer).
  • Chakra Tai Chi developed by Aminah Raheem, PhD. helps to develop practitioner body mechanics and care during and after massages given.
  • Several instructional meditations help to ground the information into the psyches of the students in a pleasant way.
  • Students learn about the organ meridians (multi-dimensional energy pathways) of the body through an “Meridian Massage” exercise which is beneficial to the practitioner to clear, strengthen, and organize the body’s energy.
  • Energy and Physical Anatomy aligned with Massage Techniques.
  • Five Element Concepts related to symptoms & food & life
  • Guest speakers bring a variety of self-help and occupational suggestions

Subsequent Study Groups and Teacher Training Available

Location: Naples, FL

CEU: 21 CEU’s
Cost: $475

Classes Forming. Please contact if Interested.

Available on CE Broker Anytime:

AOHMassage Foundation 1: Subtle Body 1 CE #20-909806
AOHMassage Foundation 2: Touch   2CE’s  #20-918703

AOHMassage Foundation 3: Reflexology 2 CE’s #20-848386

Insight Acupressure Clinical Acupressure 1: Basic Applications

Insight Acupressure Clinical Acupressure 1: Basic Applications

A Four-Day Class through Insight Acupressure. Includes manual of 75 Acupressure protocols. And New Skilled-Touch-Practitioner “STP” Program. NCBTMB and FL 24 CE’s 4 Days ( Either LIVE In-Person or Hybrid-Style = 3 days in Live-Webinar class online and 1 day Skilled Touch or Study Group) One Day Skilled Touch Practitioner (STP) for Webinar Style Class arranged before registration.

New Price $595

Students may need to order manuals so please give time for that. Check with Teacher.

Wednesday – Saturday May 2-5, 2025

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Insight Acupressure Clinical Acupressure 1: Basic Applications

Insight Acupressure Clinical Acupressure 2: Meridians


Offered LIVE or Webinar Style. This workshop is an intensive overview of the energetic meridian system used in Chinese Medicine, with a special focus on how to recognize, locate, and access these meridians in clinical practice. The purpose of this program is to provide an understanding of the Chinese meridian system, the energetic flow in the body and the chakras so that health care professionals, including nurses, can expand their health and healing repertoire for their patients/clients, their friends and family, and themselves; to see the body as more than a collection of physical symptoms and parts. The Western model of illness is expanded to include a holistic vision of the individual and the different paths to healing. 5 Day Class. 

NEW PRICE:  $695

Touch feedback and accurate point location are essential to the core content of this class, and to your developing skills as a practitioner. Because of the ongoing pandemic, we know that some of our students may arrive at this class (CA2: Meridians) having taken all of their pre-requisites via webinar + 6-12 hours of face-to-face instruction from a Skilled Touch Practitioner (STP).

Students who have ONLY received hands-on instruction from a Skilled-Touch Practitioner (vs a regular faculty member) will be required to attend a 3-hour Skilled Touch Follow-up session with a member of the Soul Lightening core faculty. This session is designed to provide the student with individualized coaching, and may be completed either before or after attending the CA2: Meridians class. After class, your letter of completion will be sent once your skilled-touch follow-up session has been verified. Cost of the follow up session will be $65 per hr, paid directly to the instructor.

CE: 30 CE’s 

Safe Practices Policy



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September 19, 20, October 2-4, 2024

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Insight Acupressure Clinical Acupressure 1: Basic Applications

Insight Acupressure Clinical Acupressure Practica

Each 2 day practicum is an opportunity to expand upon the learning and experience of CA2 and/or PA3. Each practicum will focus on a specific pair of organ meridians. Students will refine their skills for recognizing and working with the unique patterns associated with each meridian. Special attention will be given to the function and interaction of specific points, and the nature of each meridian as it applies to health, balance, and consciousness. You are also welcome to join us via Webinar.
Pre-requisites: Clinical Acupressure 2: Meridians and/or The Hologram: PA3

CE: 12 CE’s eachDates/Times: available upon request but traditionally done seasonally.
Winter – Kidney/Bladder Meridians –   January 7-8, 2024 
Spring – Liver/Gall Bladder Meridians –   March 3-4, 2024 
Summer – Heart/Small Intestine/Pericardium/Triple Warmer Meridians – June 2-3, 2024
Late Summer – Stomach/Spleen Meridians – August 28-29, 2024
Autumn – Lung/Large Intestine Meridians –  November 3-4, 2024

Cost: $295 each


These practicums are like a retreat. Really good for going deep.  SL

I have time for learning more and for myself too!!!    AK

January 7-8, 2024

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March 3-4, 2024

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June 2-3, 2024

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August 28-29, 2024

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November 3-4, 2024

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