Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) Foundation 1: Subtle Body


Webinar Style or LIVE in Naples FL.  Part 1 of the hands-on foundational program that precedes the AOHMassage Series which will be presented Summer 2024 LIVE in Naples FL. {AOHMassage F1, F2: Touch, F3: Reflexology, AOHMassage 1 & 2 Massage Protocol Back & Front of the Body} 

Also available Anytime at CE Broker  1 CE $25

Asks the question, ” Who Are You?” & “What is Holistic Massage?”

A rich introductory class to principles from Reiki, Chakras, Meridians and The Five Elements (Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM) includes Values & 5-Element Personality Quiz upon registration (1 Ethics CE). Self-Care: Dr. Aminah Raheem’s Chakra Tai Chi, Meridian Massage & Makko Ho Stretches reiterate concepts. Awareness Journal from Betsy Baker of Insight I Acupressure for personal growth and charting. Wu Zang Protection Meditation, Medicine Wheel Blessing5-Element Tea Ceremony round out the day. Guest Speakers possible

7 CE’s

Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) Foundation 1: Subtle Body is ideal for the recent massage therapy graduate as it sets a foundation for a lifetime career. It is also a refreshing class to renew and spice up your current practice. Addresses and clears the organ meridians of the body. There is a manual to order from CopiesAmerica Debby 1-800-423-2678 (check with Alvina first if manuals will be provided) and a Zoom link for class if webinar style.

Selected for FSMTA Convention Friday June 24, 2022

Classes Forming. Please Contact for Info


Alvina models grounding techniques and using body weight for cantilevering in massage wonderfully. YB

Alvina is a knowledgeable teacher with her heart in the right place, YB