Choose Kindness

Choose Kindness

“Choose Kindness!! That’s what I tell my kids constantly and I stand by wholeheartedly!!” Melinda Sazama, Quilter & Mom, Naples, FL.

Thanks to my friend Lisa I found Melinda when my Great-Nieces and Nephews were being born in to the world. Because I had the great idea to gift them each with a handmade quilt and also monogram their name on their very own quilt. (see below for illustrations) And, that’s what Melinda does!!!

I had an appreciation for quilting since my high school sweethearts grandmother would sit at her picture window in front of a bird feeder surrounded by piles of pieces of colorful cloth assembling the most envied, soft, comfortable blankets for her family.

I was so grateful to have found Melinda. She has made seven quilts so far and one on the way July 2022.

I asked Melinda to write a little about herself. There’s a Grandma thread…Enjoy!!

“I am an energetic, homeschooling mom of 3.  Originally from Grosse Pointe, MI, I have lived and worked in Naples over 15 years with jobs ranging from landscaping, massage therapy, house cleaning, and minor home renovations. 

A devoted mother and friend, I spend time caring for and encouraging my family, collecting and no longer overwatering potted plants, and spreading my love of the outdoors and active lifestyle.

Having grown up loving (and still using!) a quilt from my grandma, I learned to sew over a decade ago to make quilts for family and friends.  

I now sells quilts for fun and to help support my family. ”

Thanks Melinda!! It has been a pleasure knowing you.

You can reach Melinda at

The first one for Rowan. I added the shells though maybe not the best idea. Made from her Great Grandmother Judy’s Flannel Robe.

Here’s her sister Penny’s Rainbow Quilt :))

Charlie and a Rainbow!!

Variations for the Bates Family :))
Emilia Rose

Nora 2022
They grow so fast!!!

Expecting one in July 2022….:)) Stay tuned for an update!!!


Imagine my surprise and delight when I opened a box that contained this “practice” quilt made by my friend Barbara Vanderwater in Hawaii. She sent it to me on her exit from the island to work for a spell back in her other home Catalina Island where I’ve visited with her in the past. This is such an exquisite gem. It’s amazing. It arrived with two Heart Rocks. Aloha!
I don’t know if I’ve shared with Barbara the tradition that I’ve upheld of having a quilt made & monogrammed for each of my great nieces & nephews. 7 so far and 1 on the way in July!!  I was fortunate to have met a quilter here in Naples who accommodates me when needed. My family is prolific and I imagine there will be several more ahead. When I showed her this she exclaimed, “batik print”. I like that. And the colors!!!


ALOHA from Hawaii

Here is a poem someone shared with me recently.

Vera Jewel

My grandmother ruffles through a box of material

that smells of mothballs. 4X4 squares

of old curtains, denims, dresses, ties, scarves.

Anything that could be cut to make quilts

packed so tightly in a yellowed box

the color on the fabric has no room to fade.

She searches for a newspaper article.

I’ve been through the box twice. Its not there.

She is so sure, so serene

as if by memory alone she can will it there.

Her fingers lull through the fabric

loosening the earth of her past.

Each square, a sermon, a kiss, a new dish.

Hands still immersed, she recites the article.

It is of my father’s early promotion in the Army.

I know how she must have studied it, line by line,

until the words became his uniform,

his boots, his medals, his tags.

She does not find it but she smiles. She offers me

the fabric to make quilts, pillowcases,

anything that can be sewn into a memory.

I take it, though I have already memorized her:

the smell of mothballs on her hands,

the rows of vegetables she nurtured

wearing the flowered dress that lies in pieces in the box.

I see her in my sleep. Words on a page.

I recite her.

~Poem entitled Vera Jewel

by Michelle McMillan-Holifiel


Touch: Healing Our Bodies

Touch: Healing Our Bodies

Touch: Healing Our Bodies by Madisyn Taylor 

    published in Daily OM July 11, 2014

Incorporating human touch in to our everyday lives is vital to the healing of our emotional and physical selves.

The Wonders of our Bodies

Sometimes we might concentrate so much on our spiritual lives that we overlook the wonders of being present in our physical form. When we are more aware of the fact that our bodies are also important in terms of our personal growth, we may find it easier to nurture them. One of the most powerful ways to do this is through human touch, for a loving, comforting touch allows us to access the part of ourselves that yearns for a sense of oneness with the world around us. Even simple forms of touch connect us not just to our bodies but also to the energetic presence of other people.


There are so many ways to incorporate touch in our daily lives, one of the easiest being a heartfelt embrace. Just making a point to hug someone on a daily basis and really feel our energy pass between each other can strengthen the bonds that keep us together.  Hugs help us heal any hurt or upset we may have recently experienced by letting us release that no matter what happens to us, we have someone in our lives who supports and cares for us. 

Massage Restores

Another nourishing form of touch is massage.  While we may think of massage as a luxury, it is actually an ancient form of healing that enables us to open up our energetic pathways in order to receive unlimited energy from the universe. It doesn’t matter whether a simple massage comes from a loved one or a massage therapist, but by giving ourselves the gift of massage every once in a while, we are doing something healthy and beneficial for our bodies.  Massage helps our bodies activate their own restorative powers, creating a wonderful way to engage fully in our own healing. 

Healing Nature of Touch

Letting ourselves take advantage of the healing nature of touch creates space where we can truly live in and experience the world through our bodies, allowing us to completely immerse ourselves in the loving sense of joy and wonder that is our life.

Couples Massage Classes

Consider taking Alvina’s Couples Massage Class which is a comprehensive and caring way to learn Partners Massage. One is coming up February 18-19, 2022 but can be arranged anytime.

Let The Sun Shine :))

Let The Sun Shine :))

Broadway Rendition of Seasons of Love/Let The Sun Shine January 21, 202. A New Dawn, A New Day and I’m Feelin’ Good!!!! (Actually that is a lyric from Nina Simones Feeling Good but it reflects how I feel when I listen to and watch this video :)) )