Spring/Wood Season Support Foods

Spring/Wood Season Support Foods

Spring/Wood Season Support Foods Include:

Sour Foods, Tart Fruits, Citrus Fruits, Grapefruit Juice, Healthy Oils/Fats are good for liver–create insulation & ability to buffer stress.  Steamed Dark Greens, Broccoli, Carrots, Green Peppers, Zucchini, Avocado, Lettuces, Pickles, Olives, Chicken Liver Pate, Chicken (free range)=Blood-Building Tonic, Sour Yoghurt, Pastas, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Rye, Spelt(Russian wheat), Green Lentils,Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Mayo, Butter, Strawberries, Sour Plums, Sour Apples, Sour Cherries, Crab apples, Hibiscus, Cheeses, Wheat, Oats, Barley, Split Pea, Mung, Green Lentil, Artichoke, Lettuce, Parsley, Pea, Rhubarb, Snap Bean, Zucchini, String Bean, Vinegar.

“Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”  Hippocrates

“That which tonifies (supplies) when taken in moderation, will sedate (drain) when taken in excess: quantity changes quality”      John Garvey Five Phases of Food

Spring/Wood is the time of year that we burst forward with plans and activities with childlike enthusiasm. Everything is green and fresh and alive. Our dreams are realized. It is a creative time unless repressed then can be aggressive and anger may arise. We need to be able to ask for what we need. Flexibility is key, like the willow tree.

Spring/Wood Season relates to the Liver and Gallbladder Organ Meridians

The Taste that supports Liver/Gall Bladder is Sour

Learn More About Seasonal Support!

My Values & The 5-Elements Class is useful for noting what your needs tend to be. The Online CE Broker Class is available at Values & 5-Elements for 1 CE Ethics #20-883522

The JetLag/Insomnia Class is useful to learn Horary Acupressure Points to gently press and support our body, mind, emotions, spirit during the day year-round!

Also, Insight Acupressure’s Advanced Clinical Acupressure 2: Meridians (prerequisite Clinical Acupressure 1: Basic Applications)

Taken from Values & 5-Elements Coursework.

Winter/Water Season Supporting Foods

Winter/Water Season Supporting Foods

Winter/Water Season Supporting Foods include:

Seaweed, Eggs, Kelp, Pinto Beans, Aduki Beans, Kidney Beans, Buckwheat, Beets, Water Chestnut, Cranberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Purple Grapes, Watermelon, Shellfish, Dulse, Kale, Mushroom.

“Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”  Hippocrates

“That which tonifies (supplies) when taken in moderation, will sedate (drain) when taken in excess: quantity changes quality”      John Garvey Five Phases of Food

Winter is the quiet time of year where we go inside and allow ourselves to regenerate. Meditate. One must look after yourself and be responsible for your own condition. Rest. Exercise. Diet, Security.

Winter/Water Season relates to the Kidney/Bladder Organ Meridians.

The Taste that supports Kidney/Bladder is salty.

Other Seasonal Suggestions:

Here are many other supportive suggestions for Winter/”Water” Time of Year

The JetLag/Insomnia Class is useful to learn Horary Acupressure Points to gently press and support our body, mind, emotions, spirit during the day year-round!

Also, Insight Acupressure’s Advanced Clinical Acupressure 2: Meridians (prerequisite Clinical Acupressure 1: Basic Applications)

Taken from Values & 5-Elements Coursework.

Couples Massage Tutorial

Couples Massage Tutorial

A couple came into the spa where I was working (pre-COVID) to celebrate their 25th Wedding Anniversary with massages. 

He was a Math Teacher for adults in college. I don’t know what made me do it but I asked him if he had ever had a massage before.  Never!  An Honor I told him and that his job would be to breathe and to tell me if anything did not feel good. 

He punctuated the end of the massage with a gentle snore.  A fan! his wife said.  When they emerged he told her Honey, I’ve been doing it wrong all this time!!!  I told him it’s never too late and that the more massages he received the better his giving would be.  She said she wants another 40 years together!!!  Bliss!! 

PS: Meaningful Touch Developing Conscious Touch & Couples Massage Tutorial Classes Available!!! 

Insight Acupressure formerly Soul Lightening International Info Video

Insight Acupressure formerly Soul Lightening International Info Video

Alvina has been with Insight Acupressure formerly Soul Lightening International since 1998, teaching since 2004.

She teaches PA 1, CA 1, CA 2, Ca Practicum Series, Seva 1 & 2, Seva Teacher Training, A4A Series, A4A Good Points Series. Most of which is available as Webinar.

Alvina is also a Skilled Touch Practitioner for PA 1A and CA Classes.

Alvina makes her home in Naples FL which is a favorite destination for hands-on classes.

Alvina Quatrano L.M.T. has been practicing since 1991. She is a registered and approved provider with NCBTMB and FL offering trainings to individuals, couples, groups and schools. She created the Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) On-Line and Hands-On Series.  www.AOHMassage.com

Alvina Quatrano L.M.T. MA 50896, CE Provider 50-9777 Describes some of The Soul Lightening International Acupressure Program that she teaches in Naples Florida. www.AOHMassage.com