Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) Foundation 3: Reflexology

Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) Foundation 3: Reflexology

Webinar Style or LIVE Class Reflexology: This is an experiential workshop.It can be considered an Introductory Class to Reflexology.

This is our most popular class that ANYBODY can take.Release stress from the whole body through the feet and hands.The ancient art and practice of Reflexology uses specific points on the feet and hands to enhance the natural healing abilities of the body’s corresponding organs and glands. Join us to learn these simple, effective techniques for keeping the body in balance. Great for couples, bodyworkers, caregivers and those who just want to treat themselves. 2 or 6 CE’s

$50  2 CE’s  Webinar  Upon Request (usually evenings)

$100  LIVE Class 6 CE’s  (usually include lunch)

CE Broker LMT 6 CE’s  Anytime Online 20-848386

Please request Classes if you don’t see them scheduled when you want them.

Webinar Style you will receive a Zoom link for the class and a link to download the manual.

Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage)  Series is ideal for the recent massage therapy graduate as it sets a foundation for a lifetime career. It is also a refreshing class to renew and spice up your current practice. Addresses and clears the organ meridians of the body.

Classes Forming. Please contact for info


I will incorporate more into my massage!! People will be like “You took a class didn’t you!!” MF

I can totally do a whole session just Reflexology now!!!! JR

I will use this with clients at the spa! CT

Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) Foundation 3: Reflexology

AOHMassage Weekend

Learn and Practice the AOHMassage Hands-On Protocol — Exchange Practicum.

Hands-On Practice Giving and Receiving

AOHMassage 1:2: Front & Back of the Body.

Bodywork veteran Alvina Quatrano uses principles and select moves from Zero Balancing, Insight Acupressure, Swedish, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Reiki, and movement to create a dependably effective massage experience in a complete hands-on weekend.


  • Organic Wholesome Meals and Snacks
  • Signature Organic AOHMassage Oil
  • Self-Care Meditations, Chakra Tai Chi, Meridian Massage,more
  • Values & 5-Elements Quiz

This class will review (Overview) Foundation 1, F2 & F3 (available on CE Broker anytime see below) then concentrate on hands-on learning AOHMassage.

Prerequisites to this class is  AOHM Foundation 1-3.

A massage with Alvina or approved therapist sometime before class is recommended. 

AOHMassage Foundation 1: Subtle Body   1 CE  #20-909806

AOHMassage Foundation 2: Touch  2 CE’s  #20-918703

AOHMassage Foundation 3: Reflexology 2 CE’s #20-852387

Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) is ideal for the recent massage therapy graduate as it sets a foundation for a lifelong career and is a refreshing class to spice up your current practice using this Original Protocol.

{Also Available: on CE Broker Ethical Wisdom: Drawing from Masters of Human Interaction 2 CE’s #20-848200 or In-Person or Webinar and Values & 5-Elements Personality & Lifestyle Quiz 1 CE Ethics #20-883522}

The Class includes Review of the AOHMassage concepts:

  • ”Interface Touch” of Zero Balancing, developed by Dr Fritz Smith (an Osteopath, Acupuncturist & Rolfer).
  • Chakra Tai Chi developed by Aminah Raheem, PhD. helps to develop practitioner body mechanics and care during and after massages given.
  • Several instructional meditations help to ground the information into the psyches of the students in a pleasant way.
  • Students learn about the organ meridians (multi-dimensional energy pathways) of the body through an “Meridian Massage” exercise which is beneficial to the practitioner to clear, strengthen, and organize the body’s energy.
  • Energy and Physical Anatomy aligned with Massage Techniques.
  • Five Element Concepts related to symptoms & food & life
  • Guest speakers bring a variety of self-help and occupational suggestions

Subsequent Study Groups and Teacher Training Available

Location: Naples, FL

CEU: 21 CEU’s
Cost: $475

Classes Forming. Please contact if Interested.

Available on CE Broker Anytime:

AOHMassage Foundation 1: Subtle Body 1 CE #20-909806
AOHMassage Foundation 2: Touch   2CE’s  #20-918703

AOHMassage Foundation 3: Reflexology 2 CE’s #20-848386

Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) Foundation 3: Reflexology

Couples Massage Tutorial

An opportunity to learn how to touch and be touched well.

This class is given in 2  3-Hour Parts usually done on 2 separate days or evenings.

{An On-Demand Couples Massage Class is in the works and would preceed the hands-on portion of the class. More to Come……}

$200 Each Part Each Couple 6-Hour total $400 per couple

Part 1: Concepts of Meaningful Touch

Part 2: One-On-One Tutorial With Alvina 

Part 1: Review Meaningful Touch Concepts. Learn to prepare for, attune to, connect with and confidently give and receive a partners touch in a led massage session, relaxing muscles and minds. Private Classes Available With Alvina.

Join us for an experiential evening including:

  • Meditation
  • Chakra Alignment
  • Concepts of Meaningful Touch
  • Touch Preference
  • Types of Touch
  • Massage Routine
  • Experimental Possibilities

Part 2: One-On-One Tutorial With Alvina

Perform the Couples Massage for your partner,  following with Alvina.

Then, Receive the Couples Massage from your partner assisted by Alvina.

Includes AOHMassage Signature Organic Massage Oil 

CEU: 3 – 6 CE’s available for M.T’s
Cost: $100 per person each part or $200 a couple each part
Dates & Times Are Flexible — Please Inquire

Includes 51-page manual from Meaningful Touch Class and

Couples Massage Routine 11-page manual plus 5-page table top massage guide


Generous and Fulfilling.   MC

You mean I’ve been doing it wrong all these years!!   BK

Sensitive and Knowledgeable!  HM

Sunday February 18, 2024  3-6 pm  First Part.  Second Part by Appointment (Private Tutorial)


Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) Foundation 3: Reflexology

Introduction to Reflexology

This class is now called Art of Holistic Massage Foundation 3: Reflexology and the price has changed!

The art and science of Foot and Hand Reflexology deals with the principal that there are reflex areas in the hands and the feet that correspond to all of the glands, organs and parts of the body. It is a method of activating the healing powers of the body. It is a compression technique that affects the whole body, reversing the effects of stress. We will learn about Reflexology as a holistic method of healing, discuss it’s history, learn about the reflex areas of the hands and feet, learn the techniques of the relaxation and reflexology sequences, and give and receive a session of reflexology, including self-help  methods and contraindications. This is a fun class that includes a foot washing ritual.

CEU: 6 CE’s  or 2 CE’s MT’s (FL & NTCTMB)
Dates/Times:See Art of Holistic Massage AOHMassage F 3: Reflexology to register for this class either 2 hr webinar or 6 hr LIVE

Release stress from the whole body through the feet and hands.The ancient art and practice of Reflexology uses specific points on the feet and hands to enhance the natural healing abilities of the body’s corresponding organs and glands. Join us to learn these simple, effective techniques for keeping the body in balance. Great for couples, bodyworkers, caregivers and those who just want to treat themselves.


A favorite for my anniversary…we both get a treatment!!!!  SL