by Alvina Quatrano | Aug 2, 2021
5-Element Module from AOHMassage Foundation 1: Subtle Body Class. Stemming from Traditional Chinese Medicine. An Introduction to Five Element Theory, also known as the Five Phases, which is used in acupressure, acupuncture and Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) for self-insight and to enable the practitioner to get to the root of client’s presenting issues, helping to custom target treatment. Learn about Yin Yang transformation – the key to life changes. 5-Element Diagram that delineates The Nature of All Things — seasonal aspects & tendencies, Nourishing and Control Cycles. Course includes several empowering, centering and grounding meditations. Videos, Audio and Manual included. 5-Element Personality Type Quiz (Values & 5-Elements) included with registration.
Currently only available LIVE Version 9/1/21
3 CE’s MT’s NCBTMB Self-Care, 1 Ethics CE
It’s a whole new world to help with clients and personally too. MF
Alvina is sharing her knowledge from the heart. YB
by Alvina Quatrano | Aug 22, 2017
Learn and Practice the AOHMassage Hands-On Protocol — Exchange Practicum.
Hands-On Practice Giving and Receiving
AOHMassage 1:2: Front & Back of the Body.
Bodywork veteran Alvina Quatrano uses principles and select moves from Zero Balancing, Insight Acupressure, Swedish, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Reiki, and movement to create a dependably effective massage experience in a complete hands-on weekend.
- Organic Wholesome Meals and Snacks
- Signature Organic AOHMassage Oil
- Self-Care Meditations, Chakra Tai Chi, Meridian Massage,more
- Values & 5-Elements Quiz
This class will review (Overview) Foundation 1, F2 & F3 (available on CE Broker anytime see below) then concentrate on hands-on learning AOHMassage.
Prerequisites to this class is AOHM Foundation 1-3.
A massage with Alvina or approved therapist sometime before class is recommended.
AOHMassage Foundation 1: Subtle Body 1 CE #20-909806
AOHMassage Foundation 2: Touch 2 CE’s #20-918703
AOHMassage Foundation 3: Reflexology 2 CE’s #20-852387
Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) is ideal for the recent massage therapy graduate as it sets a foundation for a lifelong career and is a refreshing class to spice up your current practice using this Original Protocol.
{Also Available: on CE Broker Ethical Wisdom: Drawing from Masters of Human Interaction 2 CE’s #20-848200 or In-Person or Webinar and Values & 5-Elements Personality & Lifestyle Quiz 1 CE Ethics #20-883522}
The Class includes Review of the AOHMassage concepts:
- ”Interface Touch” of Zero Balancing, developed by Dr Fritz Smith (an Osteopath, Acupuncturist & Rolfer).
- Chakra Tai Chi developed by Aminah Raheem, PhD. helps to develop practitioner body mechanics and care during and after massages given.
- Several instructional meditations help to ground the information into the psyches of the students in a pleasant way.
- Students learn about the organ meridians (multi-dimensional energy pathways) of the body through an “Meridian Massage” exercise which is beneficial to the practitioner to clear, strengthen, and organize the body’s energy.
- Energy and Physical Anatomy aligned with Massage Techniques.
- Five Element Concepts related to symptoms & food & life
- Guest speakers bring a variety of self-help and occupational suggestions
Subsequent Study Groups and Teacher Training Available
Location: Naples, FL
CEU: 21 CEU’s
Cost: $475
Classes Forming. Please contact if Interested.
Available on CE Broker Anytime:
AOHMassage Foundation 1: Subtle Body 1 CE #20-909806
AOHMassage Foundation 2: Touch 2CE’s #20-918703
AOHMassage Foundation 3: Reflexology 2 CE’s #20-848386
by Alvina Quatrano | Aug 22, 2017
This is a study group for those who have completed Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) unless a person has prior approval of the instructor.
This class may be repeated for credit ad infinitum as subject matter can change and may include cutting edge developments and new information including new protocols, Open Forum, Couples Massage, Headache Release Protocol, Women’s Health Protocol, Heart Opening (Forgiveness), Spa Field Trip, Detox, etc.
Format similar to class format with Opening Meditation, Review of Concept of “Interface” Touch, Q & A, Presentation of new material, and Practical Exchanges (giving and receiving work), Instructor led and supervised sessions.
CE: 3 CE’s
Cost: $75
Dates/Times: TBA
by Alvina Quatrano | Aug 22, 2017
This is a review day for Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage).
Following a class format Opening Meditation, Review of “Interface” touch, Q & A, Practical Exchange (Give & Receive Work).
Fine Tuning–Supervision & Sharing
Instructor may explore certain protocols more in depth or present new cutting edge material such as The Women’s Health Protocol, Immune Lymph Booster Protocol, etc.
CE: 6 CE’S
Cost: $160
Dates/Times: TBA
by Alvina Quatrano | Aug 22, 2017
Using principles from Zero Balancing, Process Acupressure, Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) we will learn basic good touch that is non-invasive, clear, conscious.
Suggested for Yoga Teachers, Couples, Massage Therapists, Anybody who wants to know what Good Touch feels like and wants to give it too. This is an important BASICS Class which will evolve into a series including Reflexology, SEVA Stress Release, Energy Massage Self-Care, Couples Massage, AOHMassage….
Prerequisite to Couples Class
May serve as prerequisite for AOHMassage Foundation 2: Touch.
- How to sense energy–our energy systems–
- How to have meaningful communication through touch
- What You Do Matters!! (Some commentary on Aromatherapy and Crystal Therapy)
- The difference between structure and energy bodies
- Become aware of your own energy and structure
- What Interface is
- A Pyramid Meditation, Parallel Breath Meditation and an Interface Meditation.
- Leg Pull and Neck Pull Round Robin
CEU: 3 CE’s for FL MT’s
Cost: $100 Per person
At Registration Receive Link to Download 51 page Manual
Anytime Meaningful Touch Principles on CE Broker #20-1214100 TAKE IT NOW 1 CE
Anytime Meaningful Touch Self-Care & Development on CE Broker #20-1214096 TAKE IT NOW 2 CE