Clinical Acupressure Study Group

Clinical Acupressure Study Group

For students and candidates for certification of Insight Acupressure Clinical Acupressure and Process Acupressure Classes a Study Group which will meet Monthly on Zoom (or in person in Naples FL) for regular review and development of basic to advanced (depending what is needed) acupressure practices put into play. $25 Single Session. $100 for 4 sessions. $200 for all 8 sessions. 2-3 CE’s available by request

4 – 6 PM

Separate Arrangements for Venmo or Zelle Provided

Single Sessions $25

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4-Sessions $100

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8 Sessions $200

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Clinical Acupressure 1

Clinical Acupressure 2

Process Acupressure 1A

Values & 5-Elements Personality Types

Values & 5-Elements Personality Types

Using 5-Element Theory to determine your 5-Element Type. Answer 20 questions in this typing quiz to find out your Elemental Personality Type. When you land on your type page you will receive information about your type and special acupressure points and the times when they are beneficial to apply for your type, and a link to 5-Element Foods to support your type and a summary of information regarding 5-Element Theory. Other supportive resources are available upon request.

What values do you hold dear? What does this say about you? How do you use that to attain balance and the way you want to be in life and with whom?

This class is part of Introductory 5-Element Class or the AOHMassage F1 :Subtle Body Class in case you’d like to know more on the subject. A life-long learning tool.

A link to the Quiz will be provided upon registration.

CE Broker # 20-883522 Anytime



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What People Are Saying….

Good Introspective Exercise!!   

Lots of neat info!!

Results are surprising!! JAC

I like how it has percentages. I was really close between Wood and Earth. It was interesting to have to choose between some of the answers, because I see myself in different responses depending on the situation. DW

Really interesting questions and descriptions   SL

I really like the overview of each element and the acupuncture points for balancing. The self-care part is beneficial.  KL

Intro to AOHMassage & What is Holistic?

Intro to AOHMassage & What is Holistic?

AOHMassage founder Alvina Quatrano, L.M.T.,  introduces Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage)  Program and answers the question What is Holistic? This class leads into the AOHMassage Foundation 1: Subtle Body Modules: Chakras and Chakra Tai Chi (Body Mechanics), Meridian Massage for Self-Care, and 5-Element Theory Client Intake & Self-Typing Quiz.

Students will start their AOHMassage Resources Binder, an Awareness Journal by Betsey Baker, M. Ac., Ten Loves Self-Care Chart by Regina Rosenthal from her book Heart of Healing: Discovering the Secrets of Self-Care.

Students will be introduced to Dr. Aminah Raheem’s Pyramid Meditation for strengthening and grounding during sessions and anytime.

Students will begin a Self-Assessment as to what kind of therapist they will be and what it takes to become a Holistic Therapist

Live, Webinar or Anytime online

Two Hours NCBTMB Self-Care, FL 20-878112

This information is included in AOHMassage Foundation 1: Subtle Body Introduction.

As a stand alone anytime class Online $25 CE Broker Directly #20-909806 TAKE IT NOW!!! 1 CE

Live $45


Alvina is a thorough teacher who cares about helping you to “get it”. YB

There’s a lot of material!!! MF

Intro to AOHMassage & What is Holistic?

5-Element Theory Module AOHMassage F1

5-Element Module from AOHMassage Foundation 1: Subtle Body Class. Stemming from Traditional Chinese Medicine. An Introduction to Five Element Theory, also known as the Five Phases, which is used in acupressure, acupuncture and Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) for self-insight and to enable the practitioner to get to the root of client’s presenting issues, helping to custom target treatment. Learn about Yin Yang transformation – the key to life changes. 5-Element Diagram that delineates The Nature of All Things — seasonal aspects & tendencies, Nourishing and Control Cycles. Course includes several empowering, centering and grounding meditations. Videos, Audio and Manual included. 5-Element Personality Type Quiz (Values & 5-Elements) included with registration.

Currently only available LIVE Version 9/1/21

3 CE’s MT’s NCBTMB Self-Care, 1 Ethics CE



It’s a whole new world to help with clients and personally too. MF

Alvina is sharing her knowledge from the heart. YB

Intro to AOHMassage & What is Holistic?

Overview AOHMassage

This class is suggested for advanced practitioners —

A comprehensive review of The Complete AOHMassage Program

AOHMassage Foundation 1: Subtle Body, Sequence: 1. Intro Holistic (28 page manual),  2. Chakra (15 page manual), 3. Meridian Massage (37 page manual), 4. 5-Element (46 page manual). Supplemental Meridians Taped (31 page) Manual. 7 CE”s

AOHMassage 2: Touch 7 CE’s and

AOHMassage 3: Reflexology 6 CE’s

Live Classes Served with Organic Gourmet Lunch on Site.

Each Class is available on CE Broker:

AOHMassage Foundation 1: Subtle Body 1 CE #20-909806
AOHMassage Foundation 2: Touch   2CE’s  #20-918703

AOHMassage Foundation 3: Reflexology 2 CE’s #20-848386

ALL Classes that are required prior to taking the Hands-On

AOHMassage 1: Front of the Body Protocol and

AOHMassage 2: Back of Body Protocol.

It is also an introduction to the materials used in AOHMassage 1 & 2:

AOHMassage Manual with video marks, AOHMassage Illustrated Sequence with video marks, AOHMassage Video.

3 CE’s MT’s NCBTMB Self-Care, FL CE BROKER #20-923694


Please Inquire For Classes


This class really helped me get on track before my AOHMassage 1 & 2 Classes. MF

Nicely done. YB