Mimi Cross The Artist’s Path

Mimi Cross The Artist’s Path

Mimi’s class, Choosing the Artist’s Path, uses Julia Cameron’s well known workbook, The Artist’s Way as the core curriculum. 

She says, “Choosing the Artist’s Path is one of my permanent offerings at Project Write Now, a nonprofit in Red Bank, NJ that transforms organizations, communities, and individuals through writing where I’ve been working for several years teaching tweens and teens Songwriting. 

In my Songwriting programs, students learn how to connect with themes that are personal to them, and therefore resonate on a universal level. This is a quality found in all good writing. During this strange and scary time especially, Songwriting is a great outlet, as well as a way to build community and spend time together. A way to explore our stories, and set them to music. 

You may remember that the main character of my debut novel BEFORE GOODBYE is a budding songwriter. It’s really through her exploration of songs and lyric writing, that main character Cate Reese begins healing, after a great loss. 

I believe that all writing is healing, but Songwriting in particular, since it involves singing. Singing is a wonderful way to focus on our breath and our bodies, similar to the way we do when practicing yoga. It’s a meditative, fun activity that helps us express ourselves, release tension, and relax, and I’m happy to be able to provide one-on-one voice lessons over Zoom during a time when people need to “make some noise” more than ever.”

A student testimonial reads:

I am creative! I am an artist! These were affirmations I could neither feel nor express until I met Mimi Cross.

Mimi Cross, course facilitator of the 12-week workshop, Choosing the Artist’s Path, takes a strategically well-planned book and methodology, author Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, and brings it to life, specifically, to your life, as she guides you through the wonderful journey of getting in touch with the creative force within you.

Mimi fully brings herself and her experiences to every class as she personalizes the course material for each student. Her concepts and insights helped me reach into myself, become aware, connect, and find the core issues keeping me creatively blocked. In her class, I learned to rekindle my creativity, spirituality, and respect my gift.

Building on this wonderful experience, you will find that Mimi’s delightful, meaningful and spiritually connected meditations take you to another place; a place deep within you. She then gently eases you from meditation into a writing or visual art experience. 

If you want to get in touch with your creativity and yourself, meet Mimi Cross.

Website: mimicross.com
Twitter: @mimicross

Praise for SHINING SEA 
“Cross’s songwriting experience comes across in the poetic language.” —Publishers Weekly

“Desperate and real. Stunningly beautiful!” —Night Owl Reviews

Let The Sun Shine :))

Let The Sun Shine :))

Broadway Rendition of Seasons of Love/Let The Sun Shine January 21, 202. A New Dawn, A New Day and I’m Feelin’ Good!!!! (Actually that is a lyric from Nina Simones Feeling Good but it reflects how I feel when I listen to and watch this video :)) )

Friendship from Mark Nepo

Friendship from Mark Nepo

Nothing among human things

has such power to keep our gaze

fixed ever more intensely upon God

than friendship. — Simone Weil

….Honest friends are doorways to our souls, and loving friends are the grasses that soften the world. It is no mistake that the German root of the word friendship means “place of high safety.” And as Sant Martin said, “My friends are the beings through whom God loves me.”

There can be no greater or simpler ambition than to be a friend.


  • Center yourself and open your heart to the unnamable place of high safety.
  • After a time, look around in your heart and see who is there.
  • Breathe gently and give thanks for the true friends you have.
The Sunflowers by Mary Oliver

The Sunflowers by Mary Oliver

Come with me

into the fields of sunflowers

Their faces are burnished discs,

their dry spines

creak like ship masts,

their green leaves,

so heavy and many,

fill all day with the sticky

sugars of the sun.

come with me

to visit the sunflowers,

they are shy

but want to be friends;

they have wonderful stories

of when they were young —

the important weather,

the wandering crows,

Don’t be afraid

to ask them questions!

Their bright faces,

which follow the sun,

will listen, and all

those rows of seeds —

each one a new life! —

hope for a deeper acquaintance;

each of them, though it stands

in a crowd of many,

like a separate universe,

is lonely, the long work

of turning their lives

into a celebration

is not easy. Come

and let us talk with those modest faces,

the simple garments of leaves,

the coarse roots in teh earth

so uprightly burning.

Barbara Mahler Dance

Barbara Mahler Dance

White dress…Katherine Butler 2019 IN BUNDLED POSTURES – performance w NEWDANCEALLIANCE
My website…Www.barbaramahler.net 
Alvina calls this “Levitating”
Green Dress Series: Summer 2020 QueensboroDanceFestival VIRTUAL EVENT

The working title of this solo is “This is how it happened “Music: Bartok, Sonata for solo violin 117 Meladia ( adagio)This solo dance reaches to make a movement collage of some of my hard to talk about experiences of this pandemic journey. It grazes only the surface.Grateful for this platform. Living and creating on Canarsie ,Munsee Lenape, and Matincock Land. 

Thank You Barbara for sharing …. Your amazing and beautiful work!

While WaitingThis solo was created in the pandemic- and we worked with all limitations which included lack of space, distance between us, time, more. We utilized the stool and taped outdoors in the middle of day to day living as the weather permitted. Making use of what life and the situation has given us was the reason we were not on the river. Dancer- Jamie Graham

Yes! See the influence!!


There’s a powerful Native American Chant celebrating beauty. It is said or sang in circle of people around a Medicine Wheel or Dance of Universal Peace. It goes like this:

I walk with beauty all around me, as I walk the beauty way.

I walk with beauty before me,

I walk with beauty behind me,

I walk with beauty above me,

I walk with beauty below me,

I walk with beauty all around me, as I walk the beauty way.

My thoughts will all be beautiful, HO!,

My words will all be beautiful, HO!

My actions will all be beautiful, HO!

As I walk my life the beauty way.

It comes from Navajo Blessing and here is a link to that information. https://talking-feather.com/home/walk-in-beauty-prayer-from-navajo-blessing/

Here is a link to a You Tube Video of it done by Dances of Universal Peace folks. Enjoy!!!