White dress…Katherine Butler 2019 IN BUNDLED POSTURES – performance w NEWDANCEALLIANCE My website…Www.barbaramahler.netAlvina calls this “Levitating”Green Dress Series: Summer 2020 QueensboroDanceFestival VIRTUAL EVENT
The working title of this solo is “This is how it happened “Music: Bartok, Sonata for solo violin 117 Meladia ( adagio)This solo dance reaches to make a movement collage of some of my hard to talk about experiences of this pandemic journey. It grazes only the surface.Grateful for this platform. Living and creating on Canarsie ,Munsee Lenape, and Matincock Land.
Thank You Barbara for sharing …. Your amazing and beautiful work!
While WaitingThis solo was created in the pandemic- and we worked with all limitations which included lack of space, distance between us, time, more. We utilized the stool and taped outdoors in the middle of day to day living as the weather permitted. Making use of what life and the situation has given us was the reason we were not on the river. Dancer- Jamie Graham