Testimonial ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Healing With Love


I have had the privilege of knowing Alvina for 13 years, and I can wholeheartedly attest to her incredible healing abilities. Our journey began when she worked with my 1-yr old son post open-heart surgery, and her nurturing presence brought a sense of comfort and peace to both my son and me.

Alvina seamlessly transitioned from being a practitioner to a cherished friend and mentor, and her work has been profoundly grounding and soothing. Her extensive knowledge across various modalities is a testament to her dedication and expertise.

If you are looking for a way to improve your well-being, I highly recommend making an appointment with Alvina. Her compassionate approach and deep understanding of healing will undoubtedly leave you feeling better than ever. Thank you, Alvina, for being a guiding light on our healing journey.

Cynthia Sharpe, Naples FL

Note From Alvina:

Due to Cynthia’s diligent parenting and her educational background as a teacher she was well equipped to pursue the needed talents a mother of a down syndrome child would need to create success for her child. Thus, Cynthia has become a healer in her own right, integrating many modalities including biofeedback, meditation & play therapy. CynChronisity.com

She and her husband Doug sponsor a yearly non-profit Art Show for varied abilities contestants at the Naples Botanical Garden. It really is beautiful to be able to offer the backdrop of Nature with the natural gifts of the participants. It’s a natural high for everyone who participates.

Make An Appointment With Alvina Today!!! Check-Out All Her Classes!!!! Something for Everyone!!

Insight Acupressure

Zero Balancing

Acupressure to Relieve Stress

Acupressure to Relieve Stress


     In 2001 The Insight Acupressure Faculty and Dr. Aminah Raheem, the founder (formerly Soul Lightening International), created a specific acupressure formula as a world gift to relieve shock and stress after the events of 9/11.  Originally, the acupressure formula was called the Shock Stress Release and was taught virtually anywhere in the world.  I learned it along with 10 other teachers on the floor of a yoga studio in Rhinebeck NY.   I lived at the Jersey Shore at the time (1 hour from the World Trade Center) and my mentor was in Tivoli N.Y. so I drove the 2 hours to tap in to the acupressure formula that was created specifically to heal from this horrible time in our history and to share it with everyone who was also dealing with this emotional and disturbing time. The work has been shared in war zones, hurricane relief and earthquake zones in many areas of the world.

Name Change

     Since 2001 the name of the formula has been changed to The SEVA Stress Release after the Sanskrit word for Service because the purpose of the work is to be of service to anyone anywhere in the world who suffers from stress or shock or simply wants to feel supported and deeply relaxed. Many other possible outcomes may occur by practicing the SEVA Stress Release, including resolution of symptoms or personal growth.


     The acupressure formula was created from the hearts of the Soul Lightening faculty utilizing the Heart Chakra and Heart Meridians of the body.  The Heart Chakra is all about love, compassion, and forgiveness.  My experience is that focusing on this area helps to bring a person home to themselves which is crucial in times of shock and very high stress. The SEVA Stress Release utilizes the acupoints along the Heart Meridian which helps to create calm in the body. Creating a state of calm invites a person to settle in to themselves, find their breath and peace in their own body and space.

Training — Anyone Can Learn

  This formula may be applied by a person to themself – Self-Care – or from another person – For Others. There is a training program that is 3-hours for the Self-Care portion and an additional 3-hours for the For Others portion.  Anyone can do it.  It is very easy to learn yet there is a specific touch style that is discovered to administer both the self-care and for others methods.  Faculty are empowered to grant continuing education contact hours for massage therapists via NCBTMB (National Massage Therapy Board).

Used & Studied In Many Settings:

     The SEVA Stress Release was used in the first face transplant at Walter Reed Hospital.  The formula was taught to the recipient so that he could calm himself during the ordeal of healing from the operation and it was used by the nurses to help keep the patients stress level low and relaxed. (See additional related post below)

Care for the Caregiver Expo, Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, Gina Rosenthal, PT

Abilities Expo, Gina Rosenthal, PT

Nurses Week, Crossings Healingworks, Walter Reed Hospital, MD, Cathy Miller, Ac, MT,

Integrative Care Service, University of Maryland Medical Center, Dr John Reed, MD

Breast Cancer Support Group, Naples Community Hospital (NCH), Lisa Ann & Lira Bennet.

Golden Gate Senior Center (Spanish & English), Naples, FL

Cancer Treatment Center, West Virginia University School of Nursing, Kari Sand-Jecklin, RN

Neuropsychiatry & Acute Rehabilitation, University of California UCI Health, Susanlee Wisotzkey, Ph.D, RN

Thiotte Haiti Vulnerable Children Relief (THVCR), Theresa Haag, RN, BSN

Community Service, Emily Wright, Deanna Waggy, Sylvia Goodman, Sue Lovett, Diane Arney, Marilyn Zurwaski, Emily Tellez, Alison Babil, Claire Howell, Susan Popiel, Michele Wade, and all the SEVA Teachers world-wide.

and many other areas


Empowering Whole-Being Health Case Study Collection (A whole third of the book is devoted to SEVA), Cathy Miller & Deanna Waggy 


There are over 60 SEVA Teachers in the world and many more people who have been trained to give SEVA Stress Release Acupressure.   Contact Alvina Quatrano with any inquiries at 732-266-5276 or alvinaq@aohmassage.com or find info at www.InsightAcupressure.org

Alvina will be teaching the SEVA Stress Release Class on Sunday September 10 from 9 AM – 4 PM at the World Tennis Club, Naples, FL.  You can take only the 3-hr Self-Care portion from 9-12 (Lunch Included) or do both sections including an additional 3-hr Part 2: For Others 9-4 (including lunch).  Register at www.AOHMassage.com  or call Alvina.

Read More…

Below is an original article I published in 2009.

                                              A Way To Relieve Suffering 

                                           A Gift From Soul Lightening Int’l

                                                 by Alvina Quatrano LMT 

     September 2001….The World Trade Center had been demolished and many people I knew were at the scene. Everyone in the world was shocked, numb, dumbfounded, grief-stricken.  Triages were set up all over to relieve symptoms of shock and stress and grief.  Many therapists of all kinds volunteered their time to help the wounded. My regular clients came to me like lost wounded souls and I felt like I needed more to offer.  I asked my acupressure mentor to please come up with something.  The acupressure teachers of Soul Lightening International led by Aminah Raheem, Ph.D. of Borrego Springs, California got together here on the east coast one day and created a new protocol to serve the world in relieving shock and stress.  It is called SEVA.  SEVA means service in Sanskrit and was created to relieve suffering and stress and to promote general relaxation.  SEVA is a simple acupressure treatment created for anyone to give or receive. 

     A SEVA treatment can be administered in just a few minutes or can be extended 

20-30 minutes, depending on the circumstances.  It can be given in a therapists office but was truly designed to be given whenever and wherever it is needed.   My friend Missy helped a runner who was down and in shock on the street on a very hot day to revitalize even while EMT’s were standing by.  She reconnected his vital energies to come back to the here and now. 

    Receiving SEVA is a very calming and centering experience.  It can relieve post traumatic stress

syndrome.  It can provide a turning point for an individual to move toward true healing at the deepest levels. 

     Clinical Acupressure ( which is an ancient healing modality from China and Asia using finger pressure to acupoints on the body) enhances the free flow of the body’s vital energy, activates it’s own recuperative abilities and diminishes congestion.  It can address a multitude of symptoms including back problems, headaches, respiratory, digestive and systemic problems as well as colds, flus, allergies and physical injuries. This treatment modality will facilitate but should not replace, delay or interfere with medical treatment. This work uses the knowledge of ancient traditions combined with contemporary understanding to promote health and self-responsibility for wellness. 

     I implemented SEVA right away and the results were immediate.  I saw the difference in people who received treatment as opposed to those who hadn’t and my heart ached for those who hadn’t sought treatment of any kind.  Many divorces happened after 9/11..moving and displacement…many health issues are still happening.  After 9/11 most people I know who sought treatment used several modalities to balance themselves as they found necessary; chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, acupressure, yoga, psychotherapy, spiritual guidance, homeopathy, and nutritional counseling and more were sought out to alleviate a myriad of complaints including respiratory, fear, shock, confusion, digestive, muscular, etc.   SEVA allowed the unraveling and peace to begin to find a way through from the other side of pandemonium. 

      I am a certified SEVA instructor and I and my colleagues are teaching SEVA in schools, hospitals, PTA’s, and  communities so everyone can know the relief and health building that is possible through acupressure.  It has been a terrific addition to the community if someone is so disposed to volunteer it to Women’s or Men’s Shelter’s, VA Departments, and Senior Centers for instance.   The protocol is about 20 minutes long.  A class runs 3-6 hours.   If you would like to learn SEVA or to set up a group demo let me know and it will be arranged.  I am available at Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) in Naples FL.  732-266-5276.

Dana House Sacred Sound

Dana House Sacred Sound

Sacred Sound Ceremony

5PM Saturday April 8

Join Dana House, guest Sound Healer, for a blissful Sacred Sound Ceremony at Fusion Yoga & Wellness for the first time!

The healing power of sound has been around for thousands of years. Before we are born, sound is one of our first senses. In today’s fast-paced society, relaxation and meditation are more important than ever to maintain our health and wellbeing. The long-lasting tones of sound healing instruments help to produce “trance” brain waves and support vibratory conditions conducive to outer relaxation and inner meditation. They can promote healing through resonant frequencies and pure tones. Crystal bowls are made of quartz crystal as well as precious and semi precious stones,  which can focus, store, amplify and transmit energy patterns.

For this special sound bath you’ll experience the sacred sounds of Dana’s collection of empowering Gongs and ethereal Crystal Bowls, chimes and more… all acting in harmonious vibration to accelerate energetic healing, spiritual awakening and immersion into blissful remembrances of unity with all creation.  

Relax comfortably on your mat with supportive props as you allow the sounds to take you along sacred healing pathways for mind, body and soul. Most of this 90 minute experience will take place laying down, or seated if you prefer. Feel free to bring any extra pillows, blankets, and eye pillows for your comfort.

Dana House has been a healer and spiritual practitioner for many lifetimesYumdecades, beginning with piano at age 6, her first Tibetan bowl in 1983, crystal bowls in 2002, culminating in the ecstasy of the Gong baths in 2009. She has much experience with the harmonic sounds of healing instruments , including but not limited to dynamic Gongs, crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, tangas, rain sticks, etc. Dana gives immersive  sound experiences, conducts sound healing workshops, and also utilizes sound in teaching meditation classes, as well as private massage, energy and sound sessions…to not only create more peace prosperity and joy in individual lives but to assist all of humanity to recognize its oneness and encourage greater compassion and cooperation worldwide. 

Pre-Registration Required $35

Website: fusionyogawellness.com

Phone:(239) 498-8800


Connection, Compassion & Awakening

Connection, Compassion & Awakening

with Beth Shekinah Terrence. MS

“In the space of CONNECTION 

our inner peace, soul wisdom & true gifts emerge”. 

~ Beth Shekinah Terrence


Beth Shekinah Terrence, MS, is a Shaman and Transformational Facilitator.  At age 11, she found a book on “Foot Reflexology” by Mildred Carter in her grandmother’s bookcase. Wedged between “The Joy of Cooking” by Julia Child and a volume of “The Talmud”, a sacred Jewish text, this random choice awakened her awareness to the concept that we are energetic as well as physical beings. And she began to embrace the idea that as humans we have an innate healing capacity that we can tap into through natural and holistic practices. At age 14, she was introduced to yoga and meditation, and her journey of exploring spiritual traditions and healing modalities from around the globe has been continuing ever since.

Healing & Practices

Beth Shekinah’s personal experience of healing from addiction, trauma, and Fibromyalgia opened to her to embracing a holistic approach to life and well-being. This ultimately led her onto the path as a holistic and wellness practitioner over 26 years ago.  At the heart of her work is Shamanism, an ancient spiritual practice that offers a powerful gateway to healing, transformation, and soul-centering. Along with Shamanic Healing, Beth Shekinah utilizes an integrative holistic approach that incorporates holistic, spiritual, and restorative modalities including:

  • Shamanic Practices such as journeywork, ceremony & ritual, soul retrieval and energy extraction
  • Bach Flower Remedies
  • Feeding Your Demons® Process
  • Meditation & Mindfulness Practices
  • Energy & Body Therapies including Zero Balancing, Craniosacral Therapy, Reflexology, Reiki, and Bodybreath Healing™
  • PEER™ Emotional Energy Recovery
  • Holistic Self-Care and Lifestyle Restructuring
  • Addiction & Mental Health Recovery Coaching and Support

Sessions and programs are offered locally in the Maryland/DC/VA area and virtually via Zoom. Beth Shekinah offers tools and practices to facilitate transformational and healing processes that help to cultivate a deep sense of connection to support restoring wholeness, resilience, and well-being. 

Learn more about Beth Shekinah at https://bethterrence.com.


Be sure to check out her newest program, the 3-month Virtual Feeding Your Demons® Immersion Experience. And look for her annual love offering, May Is For Metta: 31 Days of Loving-Kindness Meditation, which happens virtually each May.

>>Take Alvina’s Values and The 5-Elements Personality Quiz Several Times a Year to see if it changes in season. Enjoy!!

The Power of Acupressure and The Heart

The Power of Acupressure and The Heart

A story and some acupoints for self-care. The power of acupressure and the heart is described by cardiologist nurse Elizabeth Monson and several suggestions for calming the heart.

Acupressure in the ER

Cardiac Care Nurse Elizabeth Monson, CRNP shares her remarkable story of using acupressure in the ER during an arrhythmia situation to stabilize the patient until treatment could be maintained in the case study book Empowering Whole-Being Health by Soul Lightening International now Insight Acupressure edited by Cathy Miller, Ac. LMT, and Deanna Waggy, OTR.

“Stabilizing Arrhythmia: Ventricular Tachycardia”

Elizabeth Monson tells the tale:

“A 67 year-old patient was admitted to the hospital for dizziness, shortness of breath and intermittent atrial fibrillation. The cardiology team was called for increasing runs of a fast, wide, complex tachycardia that was ultimately diagnosed as ventricular tachycardia.

During our intake interview, the acupressure point Heart 7, Spirit Gate, was held. After two minutes of holding the Heart 7 point the patient converted to sinus bradycardia and he reported feeling “much better”.

I released the point and he immediately went back to ventricular tachycardia. The cardiologist requested acupressure continue until an intravenous antiarrhythmic medication could be administered.

This experience illustrates the potential role of acupressure in emergency care. For this patient, a single acupoint served as a stabilizing bridge from diagnosis to treatment.”

Heart Focused Acupressure

Heart 7 acupoint is located at the inner wrist in line with the pinky finger. Simply hold that point and breathe to calm down or you can meditate using this point to help yourself come home to yourself. We use a curved stretch into an acupoint like a comma or a smile. The body relates to curves, like the curves of the spine, for movement.

In this illustration from The SEVA Stress Release from Insight Acupressure, we are holding Heart 7, Spirit Gate, at the inner wrist at the base of the pinky and Heart 1, Utmost Source, in the armpit together to create a strong circuit clearing the Heart Meridian Channel of the body. We approach The Heart and The Heart Meridian with the utmost reverence as it is considered the Emperor or Empress of the body and as such is protected and highly honored.

Supporting The Heart

One practice that you can do to support the heart is simply holding one acupoint and breathing or holding your hands over your heart (see illustration below) and breathing. Like a meditation. Even for a minute can be beneficial.

Insight Acupressure offers The SEVA Stress Release classes which was created after 9/11 to help to alleviate shock and stress in the world. It is easy to do and I offer it here for FREE. Use it in good health. Ah So!