Note from Alvina: Jean Erlbaum is one of my favorite yoga and meditation teachers. She has been enriching peoples lives her whole life. I’m happy to share her work with you.
Jean Erlbaum will be offering a 5-Week ONLINE SERIES of CHAIR YOGA CLASSES on Tuesdays, from 11am to 12 noon, November 15, 22, 29, December 6 and 13.
After a short break for the holidays, the class will continue throughout the Winter. Offered on Zoom. You do not need a Zoom account or internet proficiency to join. Each week Jean will send you a link – just a click on that link will bring you into class. If you have questions, any special needs or feel you need support in using Zoom, let Jean know.
Class Cost is $37.50 for 5 weeks. This includes a video of each class that you can play at home whenever you want.
Jean will also be teaching IN-PERSON SERIES of CHAIR YOGA CLASSES, sponsored by the Women’s Cultural Alliance starting in January at the brand new Iser Center, 4630 Pine Ridge Rd, Naples, FL 34109.
The proposed dates for that series are:
Mondays 1 – 2 pm, January 9, 16, 23, 30; Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27; March 6, 13, 20, 27.
Jean is waiting to hear if the Center will be ready in time to start Jan. 9. If not by the 9th, it should be ready by Jan. 16. We may have to fine tune the dates as we get closer. Chairs and yoga props provided for the women in this class.
Class Cost is $35.00 for each four week series for WCA members and $45 for each four week series for non-members.
These are great programs for anyone who wants a gentle practice of stretching and centering. Beginners and experienced yogis are welcome. We will do flexibility and strengthening exercises that can alleviate sore joints, tight muscles, and symptoms of arthritis – all done on or next to a chair. The class is suitable for people of all abilities, including those with joint replacement and those in wheelchairs. We will end each class with calming yogic breath and a relaxing meditation.
I hope you can join us at one of these series!
Please register in advance and feel free to call/email with any questions or if you have special needs:
Please send checks made out to:
Jean Erlbaum, 8022 Players Cove Drive #202, Naples, FL 34113
(Please note: it often takes a week for mail to reach me here in Florida. So please send your check in time for me to send you a link for the Zoom class.)