Why Massage?

* Deep relaxation is induced by massage

* Bursitis responds favorably to massage

*The release of tension in regular massage sessions often enables the receiver to overcome long- standing emotional turmoil because renewed energy becomes available to aid in coping with them.

* Fractures, breaks and dislocations take less time to heal

* Greater achievements are possible with renewed energy and a cleared mind.

* Sprains heal more easily

* Adhesions can be prevented or broken down to effect greater mobility

* Self-esteem improves

* The function of every internal organ can be improved

* Mental and physical fatigue is relieved

* Digestion, assimilation and elimination can be improved

* Chronic neck and shoulder tension can be released

* The detoxifying function of the kidneys is enhanced

*Muscles receive and increased blood supply increased of nutrients that help to improve their functioning

* Massage heightens tissue metabolism

* Calf cramps and other muscle spasms can be eliminated

* The lymphatic system is flushed waste products that accumulate in muscles after vigorous exercise can be removed to prevent soreness and aching

* Massage returns blood to the heart thereby assisting cardiac functions

*Muscle tone can be improved, and muscular atrophy due to forced inactivity, can be reduced

* Massage can benefit anemics by increasing the number of red blood cells.

*Massage is a form of passive exercise that can partially compensate for lack of exercise.

* Eyesight and hearing can be improved

*Chest pains related to tight pectoralis muscles can be eliminated and a tension-causing fear of heart attack alleviated

*Nasal congestion and sinus conditions improve dramatically and often totally disappear

*Sore throats can be encouraged to heal more quickly. If treated within the first hour it can often be averted

* Fat stored in your tissues may be reduced

* Massage dilates blood vessels to improve circulation

*All types of headaches(Gall Bladder, Liver, Stomach,Large Intestine, emotional and migraine) can be eliminated

*Arthritis patients experience relief because improved circulation to the joint reduces inflammation and pain

*The balding process can be stopped, reduced or reversed through frequent massaging of the shoulders, neck, and head and by making contact with neurovascular holding points

*Directly massaging the hands helps to relieve and sometimes eliminates neuralgic, arthritic and rheumatic disorders.

*Wrinkles can be lessened due to improved circulation.