Fundamental psycho-spiritual process skills are taught for working with the body and consciousness simultaneously as data arises from the body during bodywork. Our objective is to derive meaning and purpose from personal history and to find the soul as most valuable life guide. Introduces a model of the whole being– body. mind, emotions, soul–related to energy flow in the body. Teaches Chakra Tai Chi and consciousness related to the chakras.
The Webinar Style class will employ 6 Hours after or during class Skilled Touch Practitioners (STP) for the instruction of “Interface” touch that is used in this work. Student must ensure that a STP is available to be with them within 12 weeks of the program before you register for the class.
CE: 24 CE’S Massage Therapists FL & NCBTMB Cost: $595 3-4 days, 6 hrs per day, 9am-4pm Plus 6 STP Hours or 4th day of live class
Place: Naples, FL, & Webinar
Teacher: Alvina Quatrano, B.A., L.M.T., CSLA, CZB
This is just what I needed to help my confidence in working with clients. JK
This 4-day workshop progresses process and acupressure skills. Practice with safely following and encouraging a person’s natural process, to promote greater health, the meaning of symptoms and life events. Deepen your confidence to recognize and follow the signals that arise during a session. Refine your skills as you go deeper into your own growth process. This workshop emphasizes soul work which includes life review and soul purpose. Advances Basic PA protocol and Chakra Tai Chi.
In this four day class, participants will explore their Soul purpose: what gets in the way of actualizing it, what life learnings and insights help to uncover it, and what is their own unique Soul purpose at this point in time. This exploration will involve using the fundamentals of Insight Acupressure, experiential creative activities and Soul guided Process Acupressure sessions each day. Materials using astrological readings from Lyn Birbeck’s Mayan calendar and Jan Spiller’s book Astrology for the Soul are prepared specifically for each participant and provide a jumping off point for introspection into oneself. This class encourages a willingness to synthesize experiential and intuitive knowing with practical life applications and behavior, and to integrate this synthesis as a Process Acupressure practitioner. Required is the ability to: 1) work confidently with points and Insight Acupressure’s formulas; 2) access Soul wisdom in acupressure sessions; 3) facilitate a person’s process in Process Acupressure sessions. This is an advanced level course and is an elective for candidates in the Process Acupressure Certification Program.
Learning Objectives:
1. Define your Soul purpose and its meaning in your life.
2. Explore practical applications of your Soul purpose.
3. Uncover negative behavioral patterns that impede your Soul purpose, and ways to transform them.
4. Understand more fully major talents and strengths and how they support you in your Soul purpose, life journey and practice.
5. Become more aware of how to open to your full Soul potential.
6. Demonstrate your level of competency as a Process Acupressure practitioner.