PA Practicum 2: Refining Interface Skills

PA Practicum 2: Refining Interface Skills

This 2-day practicum is the second of two intensives designed to refine and deepen the foundational teachings of Process Acupressure. Participants will practice being at interface while following and encouraging a person’s natural process to: promote greater health; deepen understanding of symptoms and life events; recognize and follow signals that arise during a session; refine skills to advance professional and personal growth and development using acupressure and process skills. Movement sequences will also be included to enhance whole being integration of principles.

The pre-requisites for this course are Process Acupressure 1A: Foundations & PA Practicum 1

12 Continuing Education Hours: NCBTMB (pending approval)

Tuition: $295.00


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PA Practicum 2: Refining Interface Skills

PA Practicum 1: Refining Whole Being Assessment

This 2-day practicum is the first of two intensives designed to refine and deepen the foundational teachings of Process Acupressure. This practicum focuses on whole-being assessment skills in the practice of Insight Acupressure. Participants will review and deepen their proficiency with hands-on point location and skilled-touch assessments and protocols; refine awareness of channels, signals & cues as they arise during a session; deepen understanding of scope of practice and appropriate skills for working with emotions. Movement sequences will also be included to enhance whole being integration of principles.

The pre-requisite for this course is Process Acupressure 1A: Foundations

12 Continuing Education Hours: NCBTMB (pending approval)

9AM – 4 PM


AOHMassage Foundation 2: Touch

AOHMassage Foundation 2: Touch

Webinar Style or LIVE in Naples FL.  Part 2 of the hands-on foundational information that precedes learning the AOHMassage 1 & 2 Protocol.

AOHMassage F1:Subtle Body recommended before F2:Touch — Available online anytime at CE Broker 1 CE  $25 AOHMassage Foundation 1: Subtle Body #20-909806

Meaningful Touch: Principles and Calibrations of Touch; Concept of Interface from Zero Balancing.

Learn and Practice:  Leg Pull, Neck Release, Review Swedish Techniques. Self- Massage Meditation, Many Technique Instructional 1-Minute Videos.

59-Page Manual available through Copies America Debby 800-423-2679, coil bound. Can order three-hole punch or plain for sheet protectors if you like.  $40 includes shipping. Check with Alvina if Manuals available in class.

7 CE’s


F2 Now Available ON DEMAND AT CE BROKER      2 CE’s $45         #20-918703

Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) Meridian Massage is ideal for the recent massage therapy graduate as it sets a foundation for a lifetime career. It is also a refreshing class to renew and spice up your current practice. Addresses and clears the organ meridians of the body. Cutting Edge Work.

  Webinar or Live Naples FL 

Classes Forming. Please contact for information


Alvina’s workshops are so much more than dry theory. She is able to explain well and show her love for massage and the beneficial techniques she teaches. YB

AOHMassage Foundation 2: Touch

Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage) Foundation 3: Reflexology

Webinar Style or LIVE Class Reflexology: This is an experiential workshop.It can be considered an Introductory Class to Reflexology.

This is our most popular class that ANYBODY can take.Release stress from the whole body through the feet and hands.The ancient art and practice of Reflexology uses specific points on the feet and hands to enhance the natural healing abilities of the body’s corresponding organs and glands. Join us to learn these simple, effective techniques for keeping the body in balance. Great for couples, bodyworkers, caregivers and those who just want to treat themselves. 2 or 6 CE’s

$50  2 CE’s  Webinar  Upon Request (usually evenings)

$100  LIVE Class 6 CE’s  (usually include lunch)

CE Broker LMT 6 CE’s  Anytime Online 20-848386

Please request Classes if you don’t see them scheduled when you want them.

Webinar Style you will receive a Zoom link for the class and a link to download the manual.

Art of Holistic Massage (AOHMassage)  Series is ideal for the recent massage therapy graduate as it sets a foundation for a lifetime career. It is also a refreshing class to renew and spice up your current practice. Addresses and clears the organ meridians of the body.

Classes Forming. Please contact for info


I will incorporate more into my massage!! People will be like “You took a class didn’t you!!” MF

I can totally do a whole session just Reflexology now!!!! JR

I will use this with clients at the spa! CT

PA Practicum 2: Refining Interface Skills

Insight Acupressure Women’s Health Protocol

Webinar Style. or LIVE Part 1: Self-Care (for Anyone), Part 2: For Others (SL Certified Participants only).A pro-active approach to the health and well-being of all women using the ancient healing modality of acupressure. It was formulated honoring the sacredness of the female heart, breasts and reproductive system, while intentionally designed to address the individual needs of each woman bringing with it the present time, space, energy and awareness to the inner most physical parts of the female body, emotions and spirit. Men can benefit also.

During this class you will learn:

  • First 3 Hours Self-Care (Anyone), Second 3 Hours For Others (SL Certified Participants only)
  • Specific Acupoints used and their combinations
  • The Central Channel (Governing Vessel and Conception Vessel Meridians)
  • A specialized touch style used in Process Acupressure and Zero Balancing
  • How to work at Interface Touch
  • How to use this protocol on yourself
  • How to use this protocol on others
  • A Grounding Sequence
  • You will learn to give and receive a session

3 hour class for self care

  • Recommended if you are NOT pregnant
  • Recommended if you want to become pregnant
  • Ideal if you have menstrual issues or any female body concerns
  • Good for menopause times and peri-menopause
  • Also good for men

6 hour class for others presented for IA practitioners already versed in touch technique of Insight Acupressure OR  In-Person Only.

CE: 3-6 CE’s FL & NCTMB


A very powerful class…..CM

Even my husband likes this Health Protocol….VC

WOMEN’S HEALTH PROTOCOL STORY  (click link)   by Alvina Quatrano

Co-Teachers Missy Grace Oleaga and Alvina Quatrano

.Cost: Special Pricing $65 or

COMPLETE with For Others (IA Certified Only) $125  

OCTOBER 18, 2024  9-12 Self-Care, 1-4 For Others (Advanced IA Practitioners only)

Part 1 Self-Care Only 9 AM – Noon $65

Register For Class

Class offered on ZOOM unless a LIVE Class is requested in Naples, FL, or Levittown, PA Lunch Break

WHP COMPLETE includes Part 2 For Others OCTOBER 18, 2024 1:00 – 4:00 $125 Lunch Break


The Story of The Women’s Health Protocol LINK