Hot Stone Massage
Classic Hot Stone for the Spa. Last taught at Purely You Spa.
Dates/Times: TBA
Cost: $85
Classic Hot Stone for the Spa. Last taught at Purely You Spa.
Dates/Times: TBA
Cost: $85
Webinar Style. or LIVE Part 1: Self-Care (for Anyone), Part 2: For Others (SL Certified Participants only).A pro-active approach to the health and well-being of all women using the ancient healing modality of acupressure. It was formulated honoring the sacredness of the female heart, breasts and reproductive system, while intentionally designed to address the individual needs of each woman bringing with it the present time, space, energy and awareness to the inner most physical parts of the female body, emotions and spirit. Men can benefit also.
During this class you will learn:
3 hour class for self care
6 hour class for others presented for IA practitioners already versed in touch technique of Insight Acupressure OR In-Person Only.
CE: 3-6 CE’s FL & NCTMB
A very powerful class…..CM
Even my husband likes this Health Protocol….VC
WOMEN’S HEALTH PROTOCOL STORY (click link) by Alvina Quatrano
Co-Teachers Missy Grace Oleaga and Alvina Quatrano
.Cost: Special Pricing $65 or
COMPLETE with For Others (IA Certified Only) $125
OCTOBER 18, 2024 9-12 Self-Care, 1-4 For Others (Advanced IA Practitioners only)
Part 1 Self-Care Only 9 AM – Noon $65
Register For ClassClass offered on ZOOM unless a LIVE Class is requested in Naples, FL, or Levittown, PA Lunch Break
WHP COMPLETE includes Part 2 For Others OCTOBER 18, 2024 1:00 – 4:00 $125 Lunch Break
REGISTER FOR CLASSAcupressure Protocol that addresses Colds, Flu & Chronic Fatigue, Immune Function, Lymph Function, Bronchitis, Earache, Tension
. Anyone can learn.
Available LIVE and WEBINAR
Part 1: Self-Care Class
** Opening Centering & Grounding Meditation
** Introduction to founder of Insight Acupressure and history of the work
** Benefits of this work
** Type of Touch: Fulcrum & Interface from Zero Balancing
** How to read body charts
** 20 Acupoints
** Using Acupressure Balls
** Awareness Journal
** Affirmations
** Supervised Self-Care Session
Part 2: For Others
** Going deeper into the work as above
** Giving and Receiving Immune/Lymph Booster
** Leg Stretch & Neck Stretch for Others
** Body Mechanics around table and chair
** Movement Work by Dr Aminah Raheem
CE: 3 CE’s Each Part NCBTMB and FL
Dates/Times: Thursday September 5, 2024 Part 1: Self-Care 9-12, Part 2: For Others 1-4 Eastern US
Cost: $75 Each Part
Part 1: Self-Care $75
Register for Part 1 OnlyPart 2: For Others $75
Register for Part 2WHAT THEY ARE SAYING…
A lot of information and really effective acupressure! QM
This helped me come out of a fever and lessened my flu symptoms. Grateful. JN
A Four-Day Class through Insight Acupressure. Includes manual of 75 Acupressure protocols. And New Skilled-Touch-Practitioner “STP” Program. NCBTMB and FL 24 CE’s 4 Days ( Either LIVE In-Person or Hybrid-Style = 3 days in Live-Webinar class online and 1 day Skilled Touch or Study Group) One Day Skilled Touch Practitioner (STP) for Webinar Style Class arranged before registration.
New Price $595
Students may need to order manuals so please give time for that. Check with Teacher.
Wednesday – Saturday May 2-5, 2025
Offered LIVE or Webinar Style. This workshop is an intensive overview of the energetic meridian system used in Chinese Medicine, with a special focus on how to recognize, locate, and access these meridians in clinical practice. The purpose of this program is to provide an understanding of the Chinese meridian system, the energetic flow in the body and the chakras so that health care professionals, including nurses, can expand their health and healing repertoire for their patients/clients, their friends and family, and themselves; to see the body as more than a collection of physical symptoms and parts. The Western model of illness is expanded to include a holistic vision of the individual and the different paths to healing. 5 Day Class.
Touch feedback and accurate point location are essential to the core content of this class, and to your developing skills as a practitioner. Because of the ongoing pandemic, we know that some of our students may arrive at this class (CA2: Meridians) having taken all of their pre-requisites via webinar + 6-12 hours of face-to-face instruction from a Skilled Touch Practitioner (STP).
Students who have ONLY received hands-on instruction from a Skilled-Touch Practitioner (vs a regular faculty member) will be required to attend a 3-hour Skilled Touch Follow-up session with a member of the Soul Lightening core faculty. This session is designed to provide the student with individualized coaching, and may be completed either before or after attending the CA2: Meridians class. After class, your letter of completion will be sent once your skilled-touch follow-up session has been verified. Cost of the follow up session will be $65 per hr, paid directly to the instructor.
CE: 30 CE’s
Register For ClassSeptember 19, 20, October 2-4, 2024
Register For Class